Meth and designer drugs to mimic meth; and oxy-cotin and more potent drugs to mimic oxy, are a mix our morals don't allow us to treat at scale.

Here is a story about a person who uses drugs. Stable, regular doses, of an actual reliable drug enabled her to stabilize her life. She now attends university despite everything.

Can someone tell me why we shouldn't offer to the treatment similar to this to 100 or 500 or 1000 people who use drugs in our city?
Kind of late to the party on this. I totally agree. There is a certain segment of the drug addict population that can be fixed or helped in certain ways and it would be nice to do whatever we can.
There are other segments of the population that are very difficult to help, for example, a large number of the homeless population are people born with fetal alcohol syndrome, and it’s a difficult issue to tackle, same for people who had mental health issues even before drug problems.
But of course, there are a lot of people who can be helped with different methods. I don’t know if it’s a money issue or policy issue but it seems logical that we would help those who can be helped as best we can.
