General rating of the project

  • Great

    Votes: 9 9.6%
  • Very good

    Votes: 45 47.9%
  • Good

    Votes: 29 30.9%
  • So So

    Votes: 7 7.4%
  • Not Very Good

    Votes: 3 3.2%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 1 1.1%

  • Total voters
Therefore, it's a recession, not depression.
The recession is over. The correction from energy companies overspending and overbuilding continues.
This is true. Our lease on our office space is coming up, and our landlord came back expecting us to renew our suburban office space for the $28.00 a square foot that we signed with 5 years ago. Our office manager said they were testing us to see if we'd simply renew the lease. Fair enough, but when we said no, it would have to be lower, they came back at us with $24.00. Even though about half of the building we are in is empty.

Some companies are taking a while to adjust to the new reality out there.
Hi Group,
The Comments have been Interesting. I won't say Yes, or No for Now. Its that Housing - B it Housing Itself, Apts, Condos are Just Part of the Overall Picture are Part of the Over All Economy in a Given Region. Always a Good Indicater of How things are Going. I guess. When I see things such as the Resource Sector - Mining.Oil/Gas Start to really Pick Up as such and a Higher Price for Oil/Gas then I can really Believe that things have Pick Up and Companies are starting to put Money back into the Economy. A CHANGE in Gvmnt would B a Big Asset as Well. Just how I feel about the Economy.

How on Earth would a change in government have anything to do with it?
Hi Urban Warrior,
I Have NEVER Voted for the NDP or Supported Them on a Federal or Provincial Level. That is What the Demercratic Process is all About. The Right to Disagree etc.
I Worked as a "Self Employed Person" Didn't Work - Didn't Get Paid or Make any Money Really. My Education Sucks to High Hell Honestly. No Bull! Can't Work Now because I an Very Sick - Diabetic. I had STRONG Convictions of the "Free Enterprise Concepts" so I Used Them to Make Something for Myself. Worked as a Bike/Driver Courier ( 27 Years) and Did Other Jobs as Well. I Learned a LOT About Forestry, Agriculture, Potash, Sulphur, Resource Mining, the Petro Chemical/Oil/Gas and Service Sectors.
Throw in Some Help from C.P Rail, Various Lawyer Outfits and City Work Others Didn't Want and I Did OK. Made MY Dreams Come True, Estimated Like $1.3 Mil., for
Myself, Yes it was Fun Beating Others at Their Own Games to B Truthfull. No Regrets What so Ever. I HAVE a lot of Faith in Western and Northern Canada Based on what
I Learned about the West & North in Terms of Resources and Economics. We have a Lot Going for Us in the West & North. Alberta is MY Home as I See It. Something I am Very Proud Off. "Four Strong Winds" - Remember it Well.

The oil and gas sector has been going through a productivity shock since 2008, with gas first and more recently oil. Nothing any government does can undo it, besides banning fracking in the USA, maybe a regional war. The rest of the economy is doing fine. The rise in long term unemployment in Alberta is why it feels for some people we are in a depression, since certainly their transferable skills in no way garner anywhere close to their previous compensation. Saying things are going ok in no way is trying to down play the bad situation some are in.

This is bad:

Exactly. The ones in trouble are those that invested more in the boom than themselves. They include ones that overspent thinking their inflated salaries were par for the course and those that left school with few skills to work menial positions in the oil and gas and related sectors. Alberta's median income is 10K higher than just about anywhere else in Canada with little justification except for the once overheated resource economy. Cost saving layoffs and reduced compensations were inevitable.

Correction fits the bill.
As someone involved in that industry I can tell you that corrections are still happening and will for a while yet. My employer is still suffering from decisions made at boom times. Some of those decisions are still two or three years away before we can recover from them. Wages, contracts with vendors, leases for name it, there are lots of examples of boom time costs that are hurting us.
That is an awesome shot!
Was at the Royal sales centre yesterday, and I think they were talking about it being a while before Arris - maybe even project in between Royal and Arris, but I could have heard wrong. Also, Embassy Bosa is merging into Bosa.
