I really liked the original Arts Commons renderings from Bing Thom(?), so this new design will have big shoes to fill! Not too familiar with any of these firms (browsed their websites, they all seem OK but nothing really caught my eye) so hopefully they can come up with something unique. Was hoping for a bigger international firm with some flair.
I really liked the original Arts Commons renderings from Bing Thom(?), so this new design will have big shoes to fill! Not too familiar with any of these firms (browsed their websites, they all seem OK but nothing really caught my eye) so hopefully they can come up with something unique. Was hoping for a bigger international firm with some flair.
I really liked the original Arts Commons renderings from Bing Thom(?), so this new design will have big shoes to fill! Not too familiar with any of these firms (browsed their websites, they all seem OK but nothing really caught my eye) so hopefully they can come up with something unique. Was hoping for a bigger international firm with some flair.
I loved Bing Thom’s vision for AC as well - the models were spectacular.
Is there a thread for the ArtsCommon expansion/reno? Some big funding news from the province today. Also this interesting tidbit in the article:

"The Arts Commons CEO said shovels will be going in the ground this year and a design will be revealed in April, with a goal to complete construction in time for the 2028-29 theatre season."

I've created a thread for this now that it's starting to move. The architect listed is the architect that was working on the overall project a while back and may have changed by now, but we'll leave it in the thread title until we get more updated info. The height and number of storeys are placeholders based on the concept rendering, and will probably change later.
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I was a bit confused by the article, so they will break ground on the expansion part, but will they also do Olympic Plaza/Stephen Ave at the same time? I know the renovation to the existing building is Phase 2 and still need some funding, but I wasn’t sure the overall plan for this year.
I was a bit confused by the article, so they will break ground on the expansion part, but will they also do Olympic Plaza/Stephen Ave at the same time? I know the renovation to the existing building is Phase 2 and still need some funding, but I wasn’t sure the overall plan for this year.
IIRC Olympic Plaza was tied into the phase 1 Arts Commons expansion for some cost efficiencies
I really hope that new design for Olympic Plaza isn't final though. Looks like just a flat plaza with removable furniture? So they're removing the stage and skating rink then?

Edit: It says design is still underway for the existing Art Commons building and Olympic Plaza
