Last I heard is that One Properties was still making inquiries about costs. If their financing is in order this could get started in the short term. Depending on what the plans for a parkade are, this would be 2 years or more until completion. By that time, Calgary may be in upswing and the demand for rental accommodation will continue to increase.
Last I heard is that One Properties was still making inquiries about costs. If their financing is in order this could get started in the short term. Depending on what the plans for a parkade are, this would be 2 years or more until completion. By that time, Calgary may be in upswing and the demand for rental accommodation will continue to increase.
Interesting. Supposedly they chose Axiom as the GC, but I guess they are still working away on a few things.
Hi Group,
Might B a Bit off Topic but Still feel a Change in Gvmnts would B a boost for Dvlomts,

I agree and sort of disagree at the same time. Im not a fan of the NDP and they've definitely chased away private investments but we need to look at the fact NDP policy is based on fiscal spending which has led to a lot of government infrastructure projects to move forward, something the PC's lagged far behind on. The Cancer centre is just one good example. We gotta also take into consideration that this slow economic recovery has largely been due to the lack of economic diversification in the first place but also the lack of pipelines constructed. The price of oil is swinging back up but our oil is losing massive profits each day because of vast price differential between WCS and WTI. The interprovincial fighting over pipeline construction is not helping. Thus many corporations are taking their business south of the border. I think with either NDP or UCP we'd still be in the same spot in terms of the number of developments. If we can get funding commitments for the olympics from both the Federal and provincial governments then I think we'd be in a good position, and hopefully these pipelines go ahead ASAP.
Hi All,
Hey Gsunnyg! You Brought Up Very Valid Points, THANKS, I have been Reading a Lot of what You Said in the Calgary Herald and the Calgary Sun and Via Rick Bell etc.
Would Love to see this Topic on Skyrise Someplace. I Follow the Resource Secter - NOT Just Oil/Gas but the Service Sectors and Resource Mining, Sulfure, Potash Agriculture and Forestry as they are RAIL Related t0 Western Canada and to Calgary.
I hope this one doesn't go through without a major rethink. It may be tall but, boring as hell. It's good enough for a suburban TOD development. The Beltline deserves better urban spaces than 3 towers on each corner of a large podium
I don't understand this sentiment. These towers are nicer than 90% of the skyscrapers on the downtown peninsula of Vancouver, and nicer than virtually every residential skyscraper in Alberta except for maybe like 5. They will do just fine.
Don't disagree about these being decent looking towers, but nicer design than 90% of the towers in Vancouver? Subjective or not, that's a really big stretch. When it comes to residential design, Vancouver is a much more sophisticated market. They can actually design a curve once in a while.
Yes, and they have 500 - 600 towers on the downtown peninsula. I'd say 60 or less of them are better looking than these. It's a pretty reasonable notion, considering I lived there for years before moving here.
