




Cladding (or something?) going up on the lower arm


17th avenue extension pavers being laid

I went to the Saddedome this weekend, and had a chance to really see this thing up close for the first time. I was hoping to have my opinion changed, but it was most of the things I feared....the materials were dark and imposing, the "copper" panels looked cheap and flat, and the whole thing felt monolithic and uninviting from street level. The arm is neat, and I'm sure the inside will be nice enough, but just overall...for me it's an architectural miss exterior wise.
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I went to the Saddedome this weekend, and had a chance really see this thing up close for the first time. I was hoping to have my opinion changed, but it was most of the things I feared....the materials were dark and imposing, the "copper" panels looked cheap and flat, and the whole thing felt monolithic and uninviting from street level. The arm is neat, and I'm sure the inside will be nice enough, but just overall...for me it's an architectural miss exterior wise.
I took a walk around it too, completely agree. It's a postcard building - looks good and impressive from a viewpoint a distance away, but ultimately doesn't integrate well into the community and city it serves. Perhaps the LRT side may be better when it's done?

The whole area reminds me of what would happen had my younger self planned a city. I used to fanboy over the new tall buildings to finally put Calgary "on the map" back in the SSP days. "The tallest outside Toronto!" "The taller and bigger the better!" "Very cool roof!" "World class!" etc. etc.

Turns out having a giant tall, attractive skyline was never the issue holding Calgary's urban evolution back. Plopping down landmarks in City Skylines, does not in itself make a good city regardless of how swoopy or shiny it's roof is. I am sure the convention centre will be used, but it struggles with integration just like the last iteration of the convention centre which is disappointing.

When the Saddledome is replaced, what's the new postcard view? A big forest of towers in the background, with a giant swoopy-roofed building in the foreground - exactly the same as the day the Saddledome opened in the 1980s (but now with more towers). Perhaps I am old and cranky but once the shiny new object effect wears off, I am getting a bit of "new boss same as the old boss" vibes with this :)
Big 4, one of the most hideous buildings in the inner city. Needs to go.
