I like the glassy, semi-transparent look of the models. I suspect that material might only be for the models. If that's a likeness to the actual material, then great.

My main gripe about the project is how it cuts off the east section of the Brentwood TOD. I think it's a blown opportunity to make a nice TOD that can be an example for other TODs.
This was always the best looking of the co-op proposals by a country mile. My biggest complaint with it isn't the parking. It still has to be a functional grocery store for the community and this one doesn't come off as just a sea of parking stalls like some of the others. It is as @Surrealplaces mentioned, the lost opportunity to have that back street at University city continue along as the centre of attraction for the area. If there was some way they could largely preserve this design, but add in that main street aspect, I think they'd really have something.

I like the glassy, semi-transparent look of the models. I suspect that material might only be for the models. If that's a likeness to the actual material, then great.

My main gripe about the project is how it cuts off the east section of the Brentwood TOD. I think it's a blown opportunity to make a nice TOD that can be an example for other TODs.

Speak of the devil... ;)
I think after the backlash city hall got for rejecting the oakridge one they might have no choice but approving it. Its got high density and its the best looking IMO from all the other Co-op proposals. Just wish they would add a few more stories on to the 23 story tower because they did scale down from 40 to 31 stories on the larger tower. It would help create a nice little mini high rise node along with the university city towers.

The 23 storey tower will still be quite a bit taller than the two tallest University City towers, so I mean, it'll be fine. It'll be 4 storeys taller than those two, plus the crown. With the five University City Towers and the three Brentwood Commons high-rises, this will create a significant high-rise node, don't you worry. In fact, it will be the largest concentration of 35+ meter buildings in the city outside of the core areas.

Totally agreed that this is the best looking of the coop proposals, by far.
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This development highlights one of the main challenges in retrofitting suburbia for TOD: massive properties controlled by single private developers who have absolutely no interest in ensuring that their developments integrate with those around them. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Coop is purposely blocking out UC if it sees itself in competition with the retail further south or fears that UC residents will create traffic problems on its property.

Cities need to find some way to overcome this problem.
I like Oddball's idea of adding a main street at the back end, that would really make it a hype project. I was excited initially that we may have had an opportunity to build a 40 storey tower outside of the core/beltline, it would have encouraged more developers to propose 40+ story towers. Guess we gotta wait a bit longer.
Wow! would love this to go through! I wish the tallest was still the original 40 stories but I'll take it. With this node, potential node at Westbrook and another potential node at Currie Barracks the city would really step up it's highrise game outside the core. I would also love to see a highrise node somewhere East of downtown to balance the symmetry across the city. Does anyone have a ballpark figure on when development would start pending it gets approval from the city? Also I was wondering what TOD means?
Wow! would love this to go through! I wish the tallest was still the original 40 stories but I'll take it. With this node, potential node at Westbrook and another potential node at Currie Barracks the city would really step up it's highrise game outside the core. I would also love to see a highrise node somewhere East of downtown to balance the symmetry across the city. Does anyone have a ballpark figure on when development would start pending it gets approval from the city? Also I was wondering what TOD means?

TOD = Transit Oriented Development
Hi All,
These Projects Look Fantastic! I have to admit Weather They Get Blt as Is - Is Something Else. That 40 Flr Bldg Really Stands Out. Looks like Co - op has done there
Homework when it comes to Partners with the Dvlprs. Not Sure if the Neighbours are in Agreement. Time Will Tell. Gives Good Ideas of what T O Ds are All About

Updated renders of Brentwood Common


A slick render never hurts a project. I liked it before and I still like it now even though it has it's faults. What is the status of this project?
I'm indifferent. The towers look slicker. It also highlights the internally focused mega block plan with a big surface parking area.
The layout is still terrible. It doesn't integrate well with it's surroundings and it's focal point is the surface parking lot.
I actually really don't mind this. The interior focus is paramount, but unlike most projects like this, they are at least trying to bring some focus to the exterior in the two easternmost buildings (along Blakiston Park). The tower designs are pretty good, certainly the best suburban designs any city on the prairies has ever seen, so that is something. I am sincerely hoping for a climate controlled direct connection to Brentwood Station, but that might be a bit much.
Parking lot is too large but I do hope it gets more refined and the height of the tallest tower stays
