I'm happy to see it underway. Good for Calgary, and good for the area around the hospital. Has anyone heard anything on the stadium shopping mall re-do?
I'm happy to see it underway. Good for Calgary, and good for the area around the hospital. Has anyone heard anything on the stadium shopping mall re-do?
That was posted October 19th on Western Securities website:

Doesn't look like a revised DP has been submitted yet, but I imagine they are still on track for a mid-2018 start of construction.
I wish I, or anyone else, never have to step foot inside this building, but glad to see it underway.

Now if they could only just remove those colored strips. That was dated 5 years ago.

From Twitter https://twitter.com/aswalli https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DPpuaXPUEAAKTMj.jpg:large
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I wonder why we don't have an official height and floor count for this thing yet? You'd think, as a government project, that the information on it would be pretty widely available.
No reason to tell anyone I guess. And the last thing you want is to have to change it then having people complain!
Thanks. I see now. They got an early start on excavation before the DP is released.
Great progress, however the lack of construction detours for pedestrians to access the hospital complex from the north is remarkably bad - and that's saying a lot given the incredibly low bar set by the construction industry standards, city and provincial regulations. Does PCL need the extra 3-4 truck widths of staging along all edges? Surely saving a few metres to maintain pedestrian access to a major hospital would be doable. Regulators shouldn't allow pedestrian access to be removed with no detours, especially to a hospital.

If you can't maintain pedestrian access on such a large and unconstrained site, it's hard to be confident that the final product will at all be conducive for pedestrian access. The lack of consideration for contemporary best practices, sustainable and multi-modal designs remains a major gap in the way we plan and design our city around our destinations and institutions.
WOW! This Project won't B Coming in Cheap by any Means. I have seen adds in some Local Papers looking for Construction Workers etc. Lots of JOBS if your in the
Construction Trades. If there is a Change in Gvmnt Next Year Hope It does not get Cancelled.
