Unfortunately the same. The materials are nicely done and everything looks well constructed etc. but it is very cold and sterile on the north side also.
Green roof is now fully in place. Upper portion and lower left were in last fall but they ended up replacing a bunch of pieces this spring when they finished the bottom right.


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The LED panels up on top are fritzing out pretty good lately, wonder when they'll get around to fixing them?
That sucks. The company that did that lighting system (SACO) is also doing Telus Sky's led's.
Oh shucks. I don't fault you for bumping this thread to report the LED lights aren't working. You are mocking our imaginations by bumping this thread to report on those LED lighting.
If you thought my bump was for the proposed west tower there is a specific thread for it already.

And yes panels of the LED's are on the fritz, very obvious from when it was working and showing colours and animations.
Oops. It was meant in jest anyways.

It makes me wonder. Do other cities experience as many LED failures?
As I stare at those fritzy LEDs from my office it would be nice to see them working consistently. The cold weather seems to take the biggest toll as they seem to start breaking as soon as a cold snap starts (and right from day 1). They have switched from having the entire strip on each level lit up to every other panel on each level.

If anyone would like real time updates on the colour, shapes, time LEDs turn on and # of working vs burnt out LEDs I'm your man.

IMG_2392[1].JPG Jan 17 3:38pm - not on yet, nothing to report


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