All the trees were planted at least a month and a half ago (per my photos), but yeah putting in sod in October is hilarious.
Is that true in Calgary? Sure seems like anything planted after about mid August stands a high chance of winter kill.
Depends when it was dug out. Lots of stuff that's planted in August is dug out earlier in the season so itsnt doing great after sitting out of the ground for several months. Trees in particular that are dug out in mid/late September will be better for late season planting than something that's sat out of the ground all summer.
I'm gonna walk over tomorrow then!
Two best places to sneak a peek are from midway down the 8 St CTrain platform where there's a gap in the screening that's been put along the fence and from mid block on the south side of Stephen Ave. You can catch a few nice glimpses through the fence along the eastern side too.

It looks nice. A few things I noticed were that the second level walkway connecting the two buildings doesn't appear to have been installed and that the small waterfall next to the wooden seating area that appears to flow down the steps from the Ctrain platform also doesn't appear to have been installed. The also isn't any integration of the park with the steps down from the Ctrain platform at the old Nexen building which means that area remains a bit of a sketchy deadzone.
