What's the consensus?

  • Great

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Good

    Votes: 21 38.9%
  • Okay

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Not Great

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 7 13.0%

  • Total voters
Was there anyone there commenting on the alley turning into a freeway, the sun never shining north ever again, the traffic on 32nd crawling to a standstill, riffraff hanging out their balconies shouting obscenities at 4am, the ground floor retail being all liquor stores and the whole city falling into a sink hole during its construction?
Glad to hear it got approved, and thanks for getting up and speaking in support. Was there anyone speaking against it?

This was approved at council today. Was my first time at a council meeting, and my first time speaking. Obviously I spoke in support, but with some important concerns raised by the mayor and myself. The mayors comments regarding the integration of the courtyard, mine regarding the programming and landscaping of the courtyard with reference to the failure of the vegetation in the N3 muse, along with the unique instability of the Calgary climate again regarding the vegetation.

Apparently Brewers Apprentice is interested in signing as a tenant in one of the interior courtyard CRUs.
Was there anyone there commenting on the alley turning into a freeway, the sun never shining north ever again, the traffic on 32nd crawling to a standstill, riffraff hanging out their balconies shouting obscenities at 4am, the ground floor retail being all liquor stores and the whole city falling into a sink hole during its construction?
You should make a "public hearing bingo card" with all of those comments on it! I know that on all the projects I have ever worked on, we try to only sell units to riff raff who promise to be loud at ungodly hours. That is the typical developer business model right?
You should make a "public hearing bingo card" with all of those comments on it! I know that on all the projects I have ever worked on, we try to only sell units to riff raff who promise to be loud at ungodly hours. That is the typical developer business model right?
That is perfect!

On a Courtyard 33 related note (and a good one), I heard from one of the guys at RNDSQR today that the DC zoning for this project lists multi-family has a permitted use, meaning the community / neighbours will not be able to appeal the DP.

Poor angry lady, now she will have lots of unwanted neighbours lol.
That is perfect!

On a Courtyard 33 related note (and a good one), I heard from one of the guys at RNDSQR today that the DC zoning for this project lists multi-family has a permitted use, meaning the community / neighbours will not be able to appeal the DP.
True, as long as the DP application meets all the other rules in the DC and there are no relaxations (which should be the case if the DC was crafted correctly)
Sorry if this has been answered, but is this one rental or condo?
