What's the consensus?

  • Great

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Good

    Votes: 21 38.9%
  • Okay

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Not Great

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 7 13.0%

  • Total voters
It's kind of hard to see, but appears as part of the Main Street work 33rd is losing it's parking lane in front of the development for a wider public realm. Could by another 3m of sidewalk right there.

View attachment 326584
Yeah, I wondered about that. The Main Streets proposal is for the parking and driving lanes to be narrowed along 33rd, and for the pedestrian ROW to be widened. But the tree wells are already formed in the sidewalk in front of the building, so if they move the curb and widen the sidewalk, the extra pedestrian area will be on the road side of the trees which is not optimal from a pedestrian standpoint. Are they going to remove the trees and relocate the tree wells when the time comes? Seems unlikely.
I'm really interested to see this at night, specifically with the interior lights on.
Me too. The partially transparent panels should allow some light through which could make for a really interesting look.

After looking at this a few times over, I can now say like it a lot. If I had never seen the rendering and this building showed up suddenly, I'd love it. There are a few things that could be better - The entrance to the courtyard a bit wider, and the overhang of the retail units could be a bit more open to allow more lighting, but outside of that it is a great addition to the strip.
With fixing the verticals on the perspective of the photo I think it really starts to look similar to the renderings. I notice they did have the concrete columns at grade in the newer images. I can't say for sure but it sort of looks like the earlier one had fewer black columns, but it kinds blends in with the storefronts mullions. More apparent in the other corner view. Anyways, if anything seems like the commercial height isn't quite as tall. I agree that some lighting in the stairs will go a long way. Look forward to seeing all the commercial spaces bring it to life.

I think projects can go through all sorts of revisions + changes without renderings always being up-to-date.. but I would say the overall concept is pretty much untouched.

Screen Shot 2021-06-10 at 2.30.54 PM.png
After seeing this in person, the value engineering is quite evident. Times are tough, so it's hard to blame them. They did the best they could. If the Calgary market was red hot, I think we'd see a more refined execution of the design intent.
too be fair if it turned out like the render it would be the best midrise in the city, so falling short of that isnt damning.
With fixing the verticals on the perspective of the photo I think it really starts to look similar to the renderings. I notice they did have the concrete columns at grade in the newer images. I can't say for sure but it sort of looks like the earlier one had fewer black columns, but it kinds blends in with the storefronts mullions. More apparent in the other corner view. Anyways, if anything seems like the commercial height isn't quite as tall. I agree that some lighting in the stairs will go a long way. Look forward to seeing all the commercial spaces bring it to life.

I think projects can go through all sorts of revisions + changes without renderings always being up-to-date.. but I would say the overall concept is pretty much untouched.

View attachment 326716
This shows how impossible the window detailing in the render is, notice the thickness of the walls & roof/floor slabs.

I would have liked to see the street-level glazing pulled forward to match the render, and the mesh instead of perforated panel. But overall I'll give it a pass, it's not my favourite, but I like it.
This shows how impossible the window detailing in the render is, notice the thickness of the walls & roof/floor slabs.

I would have liked to see the street-level glazing pulled forward to match the render, and the mesh instead of perforated panel. But overall I'll give it a pass, it's not my favourite, but I like it.
Yea that's what I'm concerned about the most. The ground floor has to be functional. Imagine trying to locate a retailer while driving down the road or window shopping as a pedestrian. The retail units are just tucked in too far.
I think having a semi-bulky frame, in black or white around the windows would have given the facade more character. As weird as it sounds, maybe even some flower planters hanging of those balcony rails would even change things alot...just to break up the amount of silver.
Overall, I'm liking the project more as I see it.
Longtime lurker, I finally decided to create an account so I could comment. IMO, the finished product is good in many ways. It accomplishes a few things.
* it adds density to the neighborhood
* it adds more retail to 33rd
* it gives Marda Loop a building that stands out and isn't just another beige or off white colored building

The building comes close to being a very cool building (and it will be very cool to some) but misses on a few things that people have already mentioned. The facade is a lot of one color, and would be so much better if the inset balconies were bigger, or the balcony walls were glass. The way the facade comes down to meet the CRU's is not detailed or articulated enough. The flat wall looks like a space invaders video game where the aliens are coming down to munch on the retail units. A few other minor things, but like most I agree this turned out pretty well, and if anything it's a super interesting building, which is so unlike so many Calgary developments which tend to be average or just above average.
Longtime lurker, I finally decided to create an account so I could comment. IMO, the finished product is good in many ways. It accomplishes a few things.
* it adds density to the neighborhood
* it adds more retail to 33rd
* it gives Marda Loop a building that stands out and isn't just another beige or off white colored building

The building comes close to being a very cool building (and it will be very cool to some) but misses on a few things that people have already mentioned. The facade is a lot of one color, and would be so much better if the inset balconies were bigger, or the balcony walls were glass. The way the facade comes down to meet the CRU's is not detailed or articulated enough. The flat wall looks like a space invaders video game where the aliens are coming down to munch on the retail units. A few other minor things, but like most I agree this turned out pretty well, and if anything it's a super interesting building, which is so unlike so many Calgary developments which tend to be average or just above average.

Space Invaders! Nice! Another reason to like it!

