Similar but different enough from Dominion. If they went with a darker colour that would make a world of difference. Bucci & CKA did Radius, Dominion and now this, taking Bridgeland over one project at a time... lol
They also built Next which is just up the hill off Edmonton Trail. Looking back a bit further, they did Bella Citta/Bella Lusso.

With 4 buildings surrounding Murdoch Park, they definitely have their mark on this neighbourhood.
Similar but different enough from Dominion. If they went with a darker colour that would make a world of difference. Bucci & CKA did Radius, Dominion and now this, taking Bridgeland over one project at a time... lol
If VE'd like many fear, the aluminum panels will mostly likely be a different shade, so it all might work out ;)
Fingers crossed. When Dominion was first started it was at a time when the market seemed to be moving to rental and the y ay have kept the original condo proposed design, but with this being a whole new design, I'll be curious to see if they go with the same level of materials.
DP has been submitted:

Matches the rendering:

OMG!!! How da fuq did I miss this one??? It would be so nice to see this go ahead.

I'd like to see a little more height smack dab in the middle of Bridgeland to make it more of a formal skyline.
I agree with this too. I like the overall scale of Bridglenad but a solid few highrises, 20-30 storeys, would set Bridgeland up with a nice mini skyline and bring even more density into an already vibrant area. I know a lot of people here prefer the smaller-scale stuff just for easier project startups and more human-scale development but I think highrises still serve a solid purpose for density in bland/dead zones like seen in this part of Bridgeland. Plus they make the elevation walks and driving experience much more exciting, visually, as long as its not something like "The Hub" on Banff trail. Calgary is still way too monotone to drive around outside of the downtown. Bridgeland is changing that. Hopefully, Westbrook will be next.
30 storeys is a tall tower that will hover over 8 to 15 storey high rises. It's an odd duck in a mid rise skyline and the scale doesn't benefit the community. Most of Canada is trying to build as much housing as possible so planning principles in regards to established or regarded densities, setbacks and, building heights are being set aside. 30 or more storeys is extremely common nowadays. That doesn't make it an ideal form for living.
