Rating of the development

  • 1 Really Good

    Votes: 12 23.5%
  • 2 Not Bad

    Votes: 11 21.6%
  • 3 So So

    Votes: 16 31.4%
  • 4 Not Good

    Votes: 9 17.6%
  • 5 Terrible

    Votes: 3 5.9%

  • Total voters
Hi All,
I don't know how much Harvard Paid for that Land Off Hand. A Lot? Probably.
Question is How much is it Worth in Today's $1s More? Less? Could B
Factors worth Considering when it Comes to Developing for Long Term
Growth.. I Also Think Its High Time the City Got Its Act Together so Harvard
can make some Decisions as to what will b done with Their Own Development.
Oh Yes I saw that 2 Minute Video. that Theme Music was Really Great. Tnx.
Hi All,
I don't know how much Harvard Paid for that Land Off Hand. A Lot? Probably.
Question is How much is it Worth in Today's $1s More? Less? Could B
Factors worth Considering when it Comes to Developing for Long Term
Growth.. I Also Think Its High Time the City Got Its Act Together so Harvard
can make some Decisions as to what will b done with Their Own Development.
Oh Yes I saw that 2 Minute Video. that Theme Music was Really Great. Tnx.

Answer you're looking for is in this news article. https://calgaryherald.com/news/loca...-in-negotiations-with-eau-claire-market-owner
I've Seen this 2 Minute Video on this Site B 4 in the Past.Not sure what it is But the Music has an Appeal to Me. Some Music
Videos Have an Appeal, Others Don't etc. I Always Come Back to it. Its Great that the Producers Behind these Videos have
Creative Talents in Their Work.
Tnx, Operater.
I've Seen this 2 Minute Video on this Site B 4 in the Past.Not sure what it is But the Music has an Appeal to Me. Some Music
Videos Have an Appeal, Others Don't etc. I Always Come Back to it. Its Great that the Producers Behind these Videos have
Creative Talents in Their Work.
Tnx, Operater.
Seriously now! I thought there's an update on the project
He does it all the time. Best to let it slide, or at least just not be surprised.
After today, once the alignment of Eau Claire Station is solidified, I wonder if we will finally hear something concrete on this project. Especially with a new developer on board. Downtown is in dire need of a good theatre, and Eau Claire is in desperate need of exterior retail fronting the soon-to-be revitalized plaza.

The good part about this one is that phase 1 (SW corner) is already shove ready.
Just surfed around for any news or updated renders, didn't come across anything.
Nope - it sounds like some of the market tenants might have been given notice to vacate.
