Rating of the development

  • 1 Really Good

    Votes: 12 23.5%
  • 2 Not Bad

    Votes: 11 21.6%
  • 3 So So

    Votes: 16 31.4%
  • 4 Not Good

    Votes: 9 17.6%
  • 5 Terrible

    Votes: 3 5.9%

  • Total voters
Hi Group,
Not Sure but I Believe there were to B 3 Bldgs of Various Heights to B Blt over Time. Could B Wrong on this so Correct Me if I'm Wrong on this, I'd Like to See the Smoke Stack Kept for Historical Reasons, No bad Feelings Here but What the "Barley Mill"? A Pub of Sorts? Never Been to It but Could Use Update if Its OK. Joey's? Take It, Its
a Resturant as Well? My Only Experience with Eau Claire was Deliveries to Stores/Business in the Complex and Not Much Else. Guess I Need an Update. Tnx for Your Pateince, OK.
Old rendering, but with shift in the site, can they build the first phase without demo'ing the market? Maybe the first two residential towers? Retaining the east parking lot for grocery as has been mentioned.


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Connecting Riverfront Ave straight west to 3rd St would go right through the middle of the market building. From these renderings it looks like the podium and towers align right up to Riverfront so I don't see how they build this without splitting the market.
Incredibly disappointed that the City allowed this one is its submitted form. Really cannot believe that they are allowing this developer to completely change an entire area of the city that has character and historic significance in the name of "revitilization". The mall needs to do go, but the Barley Mill, Joey's building and Eau Claire Bow River Lumber Co. building should not be allowed to just be demolished. The design is cold and sterile in my opinion. The current Eau Claire gets great sunlight however it that will be no longer with this development. I am afraid that this is going to turn the area into any other wind swept dead block of the downtown core. No character to this vision at all.
Hi Group,
I saw a Picture in the Calgary Sun - Plus this one Posted as Well. I Come Away with Views it could very well Change again B 4 a Final Design is Blt.
It will B Interesting to See a Final Once all the Various Designs/Sizes get Bllt into the Future.


This is the best of the new renders I've seen. However, there is nothing about this that makes it look, seem or feel like a "market" (to me). The glass canopy was really all they had going for it, and now it seems to have been scrapped... Hope that isn't the case.

This 2 tower building is fine (+a 3rd at a later date with an updated design to break the monotony) - but add the canopy back to the northern block - created an actual market & public space with continuity from a redeveloped plaza. Keep the Barley Mill and Lumber Co. Perhaps bring in another building from Heritage Park or something. Even a false historical one. What really makes the markets in other cities is the old timey buildings and open spaces. See: Pike Place, Granville Island, hell even The Forks. Maybe then this could work, but I get the feeling this will end up a cold and sterile mega development and become an uninviting failure like the current space.
Guys, the render in the post above is for the first phase, which is the southern portion of the sight. The reconstructed market (the portion with the glass canopy) will be north of that, where the market currently is. I agree it's a bit sterile, but in comparison to some of the district developments going on in Canada (Ice District, Liberty Village, City Place, etc) this actually isn't bad from a street-level perspective at all.
It's just curious they would announce approval of development - including new renders - and not show the "market" portion at all. I don't disagree that it isn't bad from a street-level perspective. However - what about what is being shown is any different than the podiums & towers on 1 ST SE?
I like the podium/retail level, but don't like the towers, or the overall plan. I wish it was redeveloped into a series of smaller individual buildings, replacing only the mall building and the parking lot, and leave the rest as is.
What are the odds this thing actually gets going? I know it's approved, but are they going to actually start on it anytime soon?
What are the odds this thing actually gets going? I know it's approved, but are they going to actually start on it anytime soon?
Who knows. Harvard has to get it built by a certain timeline, so there's always a possibility. To be honest, I'd be happy if it didn't get off the ground and they had to go back to the drawing board.
