I last walked by that area in the Fall. All the glazing was pretty much finished then. Seeing it alongside Canterra/Devon and the Centennial Towers left quite an impression (all owned by Oxford). All the blue glass looked amazing. Those are some great pictures. Once the Concord is done, the surface lots in the blocks between 6th and 4th Streets and 2nd and Eau Claire Aves will be completely surrounded by buildings. I couldn't help but imagine how amazing it would be if there was a soccer field or some other green space there. Too bad I think there's some other multi-tower development slated.
It's a pretty decent tower, too bad it wasn't a bit taller. Looked great at night when I went past it. I took a few pics.

2016 March 24 009.JPG
2016 March 24 024.JPG


  • 2016 March 24 009.JPG
    2016 March 24 009.JPG
    727.1 KB · Views: 438
  • 2016 March 24 024.JPG
    2016 March 24 024.JPG
    1.4 MB · Views: 715

Is the red tinge to the roof lighting in that last photo because of the photo, or do the colours change in real life?

Is the red tinge to the roof lighting in that last photo because of the photo, or do the colours change in real life?

From what I've seen, it just stays white.
The concord will add another (very high quality) layer to that view though, so it may actually be improved.
