Part of the western block (just the one residence that’s sort of a sky bridge over the back parking lot) just burned. Backlot and the other businesses are ok.

Part of the western block (just the one residence that’s sort of a sky bridge over the back parking lot) just burned. Backlot and the other businesses are ok.

View attachment 519553View attachment 519554
Well if there was a sliver of hope that this block wasn’t going to get torn down I think that has passed. No one’s spending money to fix fire/water/smoke damage
Possibly. Last night it looked like that unit was inhabited still. There was a light on inside at least. Very bizarre, and from what I saw there was no fire damage on that side (south side/alley facing) in that unit. In all pics I saw, the flames were coming out of the north side of said unit, facing Backlot patio.
Didn't the extend the lease of all tenants by a year? I think that put it to late summer / early fall. I'd be surprised to see demolition before the first snowfall...
With imperia seeing some activity, is the expectation we will see Truman move on this tower as well? I believe demolition was scheduled for September. Truman could have 3 projects in the beltline going if so.
With imperia seeing some activity, is the expectation we will see Truman move on this tower as well? I believe demolition was scheduled for September. Truman could have 3 projects in the beltline going if so.
We had heard that this one was also sold out, so it's quite possible.
