Here are the primary renders for the core areas stations excluding Inglewood Station as there is currently no updated render.

16 Avenue North Station



Is the permanent plan to just have an entrance in the middle of a plaza? I would think some sort of retail, multi-use building built around the entrance would be much better use.
Hmmm..maybe, but the city would have to own the land, so the development would be a lease, or some kind of partnership, which could complicate things. Don't get me wrong, I agree the land could be put to better use than an open plaza with one station entrance, but it's probably not as straightforward as it looks.
A single story retail store pays for itself in no time. It wouldn't be much of an improvement over the proposal. My guess is we'll see something larger built here in due time.
Update of the city's blog from Dec 15

Looks like the city is still tweaking some of the details and taking suggestions from the public.

We’re refining the design of the Green Line and want your input on safety and security, aesthetics and landscaping, and access to stations. From January to March 2018, we’ll be hosting sessions and online opportunities where you can provide feedback on how the LRT will look and feel in your community. Input collected from the public will be reflected in the technical documents that will guide the construction of the Green Line.
Sorry for the newbie question, but does anyone know when the actual construction starts on the green line? I’ve googled it but a there’s all kinds of different information out there.
Technically construction has already started, but it's more like geotechnical work right now. I believe hard construction of the line is slated to begin in late 2019.
I was confused too. I heard them say on the radio a while back that construction had started. I thought it was full on construction.
More expensive for the vehicles. But less infrastructure needed for regular everyday stations. Moving most equipment to the roof is already similar to the new "Mask" LRVs.
I would have preferred the same cars as the other lines so as to keep the consistency as well.

IMO, most of the green line will be similar to the other lines and be grade separated so low floor LRV's aren't necessarily needed. Low floor cars might possibly be better along Centre Street up until 78th... I dunno.

I've used low floor trains before and while it makes for an easy build for a stop, it also has a few quirks. The cars themselves are a bit awkward when getting on with a stroller, or suitcase, as the low floor isn't level to the outside like it is with a high floor train/station. In cases like Melbourne it was level in some areas where stations were built having an 8" height adjustment similar to a curb, but un-level in other areas where they didn't do it. If you're going to go through the trouble of making an 8" high platform, you're halfway to building a Sunnyside type station.

Also the cars I was in, had two different levels of floor inside the car itself, which made it again awkward for people with strollers, suitcases or even bikes.
If it was for a 'streetcar' line I would be all for the low floor vehicle, but as a mostly grade separated line, I'm not so sure.
