Run the train under the bridge
That doesn't make any sense. The point of using a bridge is to reduce cost by reducing the amount of tunneling. Running the train under the bridge means that the train would need a lengthy tunnel under Crescent Heights, since it would be 35m below Centre St. It would also make the 9th Ave stop impractical, would introduce a level train crossing on Memorial, and would mean that the tracks are in the 100 year flood plain (since the lower deck flooded in 2013); you'd also probably need to demolish at minimum the Chinatown Seniors Centre to make the turn onto the bridge. But none of this matters, since the clearance is only 8.7 feet and a low-floor LRV is closer to 13 feet above the rail.
That doesn't make any sense. The point of using a bridge is to reduce cost by reducing the amount of tunneling. Running the train under the bridge means that the train would need a lengthy tunnel under Crescent Heights, since it would be 35m below Centre St. It would also make the 9th Ave stop impractical, would introduce a level train crossing on Memorial, and would mean that the tracks are in the 100 year flood plain (since the lower deck flooded in 2013); you'd also probably need to demolish at minimum the Chinatown Seniors Centre to make the turn onto the bridge. But none of this matters, since the clearance is only 8.7 feet and a low-floor LRV is closer to 13 feet above the rail.
You're not understanding what he's saying. Everybody knows there's a lower deck on the Centre Street Bridge, it isn't a secret.

Every issue BBB introduced is correct and completely negates any potential for use of the lower deck.
Global News: Alberta budget 2021: What’s in it for Calgary?.

Looks like the province will be chipping in some LRT money this year. Not sure how this translates to the green line though.
They're delaying a transit line, and therefore thousands of jobs, so that they can try and scrape a few more votes in 2023 by claiming they're the ones who saved it once their obstruction finally ends? Pathetic morons.
They're delaying a transit line, and therefore thousands of jobs, so that they can try and scrape a few more votes in 2023 by claiming they're the ones who saved it once their obstruction finally ends? Pathetic morons.

The best part is they're worried about the project going overbudget, so they're delaying it more and burning more cash while delaying portions of the project that aren't a problem anyways.
I bet the behind the scenes looked like most of the talk on here: a general consternation over cost, then a walk through of why, then a 'oh fuck we promised we could do this better by having a second/third/fourth look and we can't'.

Now the UCP is in a political corner. Without changes to the project they look really stupid. With changes that offend their constituency (the 'old wise men' committee) they look stupid.
They already look stupid to anyone with half a brain. That's mostly just because, empirically speaking, they are stupid.
My theory is that Jason Kenny and the other smooth-brains in the UCP are pushing it as close to the next election as possible so they can use the jobs that they "created" to try to leverage what ever votes they can.
I think what bothers me the most is that this summer is going to be the most crucial time in the post pandemic recovery to be injecting stimulus. Summer 2023 it seems like a huge missed opportunity. I mean the timing couldn't be better. Creating thousands on jobs just as the pandemic starts to recede is a no brainer.

The worst part is that it's being delayed for clearly political reasons. The UCP's political games are literally going to slow the recovery significantly and is very unlikely to save them money or votes.
