It is de facto a park currently - I go here everyday with my dogs. I walk through here every time dreaming of its renewal. But it really just needs to be better taken care of, and could use a flush of cash to at least properly clean it up.

A shame there is very little chance of that happening.
Should have left it a golf course. There is enough vacant land in this city to last a lifetime. Why do we need to keep ripping up golf courses when there is enough surface parking lots, vacant fields, old malls, and former industrial sites that can be developed. I barely golf but it was a damn shame Harvest Hills golf course was closed down for some stupid houses.
Not a good situation, hopefully they can work something out. I wouldn't be disappointed if it ended up as a park though...
Their lawyers will talk to the city's lawyers and something will be worked out. It would be nice if part of the area was developed, an the tax money from it, went into making it a developed park with a developed pathway that includes a tunnel under Centre street.
This neighborhood needs development there, not the current green space. I think the city owns most of the houses on Mcknight to the north by now, borderline ghetto.
This neighborhood needs development there, not the current green space. I think the city owns most of the houses on Mcknight to the north by now, borderline ghetto.
I think both could be accommodated. There needs to be development there, and better use of the land, but a central strip of park down the middle would be nice, and I think Patrick's suggestion of a tunnel under Center Street is a good one. You could have a pathway that goes from James Fowler High all the way to Nose Creek.
The original plan here was suuuper ugly. Looks borderline Le Corbusierian. If we want density we should get density!
The best option is it get sold to a developer who knows how to do tasteful green density in Calgary, or gets developed by the City of Calgary itself with lots of affordable rental.

It's a great opportunity on great land. Wouldn't want to see something half-baked go through. I could see the City pivoting to here after they finish up with Midfield Heights.
