Disappointed that the ground floor went from commercial to live/work.
I know 33rd is a main street, but I don't think every building on the street needs commercial or live/work. I would have been ok with the main floor being residential just like Coco next door. I think the space would have sat empty for a long time as commercial, although I'm not confident that live/work will be any more successful.
I know 33rd is a main street, but I don't think every building on the street needs commercial or live/work. I would have been ok with the main floor being residential just like Coco next door. I think the space would have sat empty for a long time as commercial, although I'm not confident that live/work will be any more successful.
I think it makes total sense to put commercial units here. With the community centre, library, CSpace, and an influx of mid-rise residential buildings, this side of Marda Loop is becoming a hub. And yet, the walkscores in this area are around 50 (compared to 70-80 on the westside of the neighbourhood). If all the new buildings are going to be exclusively residential, this area will be locked into car dependency for generations to come.
New rendering on the engagement board at the site.

Features of it remind me a bit of the Certus’ red brick Spider Block building (the red brick, the black windows).

Would love to see the red brick feature more prominently but it’s a good start!
