General Rating of this project

  • 1 Great

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • 2 Good

    Votes: 10 22.2%
  • 3 So So

    Votes: 19 42.2%
  • 4 Not Good

    Votes: 10 22.2%
  • 5 Terrible

    Votes: 4 8.9%

  • Total voters
Rainy day look

went passed the building yesterday and they're putting some fugly, sandstone-ish treatment around the retail bays. I meant to take a photo but I was in a hurry. Maybe when it's complete it might look ok but doesn't look too promising tbh.
Good thing it’s only 6 storeys though. Thank god for the ARP. Imagine 12 storeys of this.

went passed the building yesterday and they're putting some fugly, sandstone-ish treatment around the retail bays. I meant to take a photo but I was in a hurry. Maybe when it's complete it might look ok but doesn't look too promising tbh.
as somehow 6 floors mitigates the bad 1980s design. the whole inglewood development plan (if there really is one) is a train wreck. i prefer the shed that this replaced, at least it represented hope for the future.
Good thing it’s only 6 storeys though. Thank god for the ARP. Imagine 12 storeys of this.

On a building with a decent design. a 3 or 4 storey podium with a decent setback to the tower, 12 storeys would be just fine, you wouldn't really notice it from the street. If it was a 12 storey mass right to the sidewalk then definitely. Height isn't the enemy if we can maintain a street wall that respects the scale of the existing building stock.
It's such a shame that the materials are so crappy. I was going through Inglewood last week and the overall massing of the building really completes this intersection. It's nice to have a relatively narrow intersection hugged by three mid-rise buildings. I'd say, despite its huge weaknesses, it's an overall positive contribution to the neighbourhood (though I'm not sure what if any building it displaced).
I'm going on record as saying I don't mind this one. Red brick instead of stucco and I would like it a lot. Even with the stucco, it doesn't scream *barf* to me. It checks all the boxes for the most part.

I'd take two or more storeys if it meant better quality materials. Design really needs to be considered in the redevelopment conversation.
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