You know was just thinking of builders that have put new projects into Hillhurst-Sunnyside these last few years:

-Battistella (Pixel & Lido)
-Bucci (Ven & The Kensington)
-Anthem (currently underway next to the Riverside Inn)
-Birchwood (Ezra)
-Streetside (St. John's on 10th)

Upcoming we will hopefully see Minto with their proposals and Russell Red with their midrise planned for just east of Vendome.

I really like the idea of someone like Rndsqr getting in there.
Kensington has done well the last few years. Lido, Pixel, The Kensington and Ezra are all very solid. I feel like the bar has been set, and if we could see the same or even better going forward that'd be great.

Aside from Rndsqr and Battistella, are there any other local development groups that have been bringing it?
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Taurus Group did the Bates Block in Mission, which I thought turned out fabulous, but they are hit and miss.
You know was just thinking of builders that have put new projects into Hillhurst-Sunnyside these last few years:

-Battistella (Pixel & Lido)
-Bucci (Ven & The Kensington)
-Anthem (currently underway next to the Riverside Inn)
-Birchwood (Ezra)
-Streetside (St. John's on 10th)

Upcoming we will hopefully see Minto with their proposals and Russell Red with their midrise planned for just east of Vendome.

I really like the idea of someone like Rndsqr getting in there.
Truman, with the Legion project (a bit further west) and their upcoming Memorial Drive project.
The Truman one is a good little development. I really hope it gets built. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but I would like to see Memorial Drive (through Sunnyside) lined with those types of developments, and even even a bit of retail here and there.
I'd like a solid urban wall of 4-5 storey midrise along Memorial drive, however as to retail not sure how well it would do. The street noise and feel is just hostile along Memorial in that corridor.
I'd like a solid urban wall of 4-5 storey midrise along Memorial drive, however as to retail not sure how well it would do. The street noise and feel is just hostile along Memorial in that corridor.
Retail in the form of a coffee shop and an ice cream joint, maybe...a corner store or restaurant would probably be okay. It's not really the best street for it, but around the curling club would work for sure. Lots of foot and cycle traffic coming to and from the Island and around McHugh Bluff.
A mixed use building (4-5 floors) along Memorial with a roof top cafe patio would be the win of the century.
I'd like a solid urban wall of 4-5 storey midrise along Memorial drive, however as to retail not sure how well it would do. The street noise and feel is just hostile along Memorial in that corridor.

Not to be pedantic...and there generally is no universally accepted definition...but in most other cities 4-5 would be considered low-rise development. I agree, memorial would be great with a strong urban edge, but why 4-5? Just curious. It’s a wide ROW
I feel like the generally accepted definitions are: 3 to 5 storey - low rise, 6 to 9 (office) or 11 (residential) storeys - mid rise, and anything 10 office floors and 12 residential floors or more is high rise.
Not to be pedantic...and there generally is no universally accepted definition...but in most other cities 4-5 would be considered low-rise development. I agree, memorial would be great with a strong urban edge, but why 4-5? Just curious. It’s a wide ROW

4-5 storey buildings already going up on Memorial on that stretch, plus it reduces shadowing on housing to the north in the community. There are some spots where higher could work, as residential to the north is farther away due to larger alley areas in between.
Not to be pedantic...and there generally is no universally accepted definition...but in most other cities 4-5 would be considered low-rise development. I agree, memorial would be great with a strong urban edge, but why 4-5? Just curious. It’s a wide ROW
If Memorial was on the north side of the community I would say go 8-10 floors, but because of the shadowing situation I think 4-5 is good... Maybe 6-7 if the building is terraced back like they've done with Avli. Around the curling rink could be a bit higher 5-8 floors.
The curling club property is prime real estate for future redevelopment. I wonder if they've ever considered selling?

What height in storeys do you figure you could get there, and stay beneath the crest of the bluff? That would be the biggest push-back for development at this site I believe.
A couple of 8 (maybe 10) storey towers akin to Ezra would be quite nice here I think.
