Hopefully something decent goes in the retail, this area needs something other than shitty traffic lol.
Macleod is a great example where off-peak street parking would be a one of the better interventions you could do to chill out the street and move a step away from it's car sewer characteristics. This would reduce travel speeds off-peak, but make walking and visiting businesses a lot easier and more comfortable.

Of course, politically that's a tough sell. You will have commuters hating change that treat Macleod like a quasi-freeway in this stretch, a very small (or non-existent until the developments are build) benefitting group in the local retailers going in that will struggle to advocate for themselves, and about 50 years of informal rules, standards and traffic planning practices in this city fighting you.

Part of that problem is it isn't sexy - street parking is just minor functionality change. It's cheap to do and will have a big impact, but isn't interesting enough to be able to attract a political champion to push a different future vision of the area through all the inevitable headwinds.
Off peak parking is great for parking fine revenue, but terrible for traffic because people can't read the no parking signs. Every rush hour on 10th St the lane is never clear so it's never used as extra road capacity. There's anywhere between 4 and 10 ticketed cars when I pass by every single day and it's getting worse and worse. So many complete idiots. It also causes extra chaos as people get a bit of lane that ends and starts again at arbitrary points every time they drive it.
