I kind of assumed this was a play to get a Gas Station/Convenience Store/Liquor Store on this site, and the Residential portion was secondary and the what they used to get this zoning/DP on a 'main street' in this location. I would be surprised if the residential portion gets built even in the next 5-10 years. Hoping i am wrong.
Glad I was wrong!
Give this section of Macleod and little Main Street feel, slowing down traffic, add more residential and I think you can redefine Macleod north of 42nd. There are a ton of micro breweries nearby and 39 Ave Station, the old Holiday Inn is empty so maybe some TOD can go in there. This one project gives me blind hope haha.
You’re not wrong. There are already a fair amount of great restaurants in the area too. Not that much of a stretch to get 9 blocks at least somewhat habitable. Good point about 39 Avenue Station too, can definitely be marketed by developers.

Widening the sidewalks by even just 6 inches (but hopefully a foot), enhancing the connection to 39 Avenue Station from Macleod and from the station to the brewery belt (currently it’s a dystopian nightmare), slowing the speed limit by 10, and replacing the hideous rusting chainlink boulevard fence with something half decent all just in that stretch would go a really long way to making the area attractive to developers and prospective residents alike.
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Drilling equipment on site today.
