Developer: Genco Development Corporation
Address: 608 7th Street SW, Calgary, Canada
Category: Residential
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 374 ft / 114.00 mStoreys: 35 storeys
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I'm still holding out hope that the Mewata armoury will one day become a large market (like the St. Lawrence Market in Toronto).
Have you ever been in there? It's actually still a functioning military building. A long time ago the mess hall there was a client of mine. They do exercises, recruiting, and it's fairly busy most days. That said, a public market would be sweet.
One place that I thought might be cool for a small market is that muscle/fitness/vitamin place in Marda Loop. The building isn't anything spacial but the location is good, and it's a good sized building.
Yeah, isn't that place a former hockey arena or something?
Hi Group,

  • An Associate I Know was asking Me about this Site. He Works as a Bike Courier so he Knows I Worked Courier and He was ONE of My Dispatchers etc Years Ago Now its when He Needs Information on DT/Beltline , He gets in Touch and We trade Information. Take it the Site is waiting for Demolition as such. that Wall was used for years as an Advertising Site. Looks like It still is. LOL.

Bumping a very stale project thread, and I would guess there is no actual activity pertaining to the new building, but thought I would share that demolition work of the existing building (the one where the wall collapsed several years ago) seems to be happening:
I was struggling a bit to get vertical images show up vertical here in a forum once uploaded but it seem to have worked in the end so here comes a few more.

Different visuals from the original post from a few years back:

Sign says 16 story office tower with +15 connection:

Skeleton that remains as of today:

What’s the likelihood this one actually goes ahead? It’s hard to image another office tower going up with insane vacancy rate that we have in the city.
