Overall, tower and podium, it's a very solid project. The only disappointment for me personally is that the second tower is the same design, but given the podium and the fact that it's developed on a 10th ave parcel beside the tracks, this is a big win.
Overall, tower and podium, it's a very solid project. The only disappointment for me personally is that the second tower is the same design, but given the podium and the fact that it's developed on a 10th ave parcel beside the tracks, this is a big win.
Agreed on the twins, it's always a bit boring. That said, I am willing to forgive almost anything to fill in the final major block on the Beltline side with decent urban development towards downtown. Huge win.

I hope it happens in my lifetime, and it's a fairly low bar for achieving urban greatness, but developments like this help ensure that one day someone will reliably be able to walk down 4th Street sidewalks on either side from river-to-river without having to cross due to a sidewalk closure. I think there was a brief window ~2015 ish where this was possible, but very few other times in the past 20 years where a person would be able to walk the whole way without crossing a few times. A true milestone of urban development for the city :)
