Lol... you feel like you're risking your life when you go to Meat and Bread? Yikes. I walk past it almost daily, with my dog... its not a dangerous area vehicle-wise (or any other form either I suppose 🤷🏻‍♂️) whatsoever. It's a wide one-way that needs to be made a 2-way. That's about it.

At the intersection of 9 and Centre (at the Calgary Tower), 9th doesn't even feel that busy. A nicer, more activated and programmable building abdd surrounding space would do wonders, road patterns will change in time.
Ok, this is a little dramatic. If that intersection scares you, then stay in the burbs because that's a pretty typical urban intersection in the CBD of a major city.
9th Avenue? Or have you gotten lost and you mean the Gardiner?
Yeah, honestly you're all right. I was on pain medication after a (minor) surgery this week and not feeling like myself, but still dramatic.

I will maintain that the urban design of 9th could be vastly improved from what it currently is.
My sister lives in the Beltline and recently had a baby. She commented on how she realized how hostile the pedestrian experience is when you need to start a pushing a stroller throughout the neighbourhood. I couldn't imagine how much worse it is for people with disabilities...

I'm sorry to hear that. That was one of my most interesting studies in my ongoing degree. Calgary needs to adopt the snow-removal strategies of Oslo. Ensuring that road plowing, sidewalk plowing, and crosswalk clearing occur simultaneously, with priority for the inner city of course, due to denser population and far more active transportation usage.
I'm sorry to hear that. That was one of my most interesting studies in my ongoing degree. Calgary needs to adopt the snow-removal strategies of Oslo. Ensuring that road plowing, sidewalk plowing, and crosswalk clearing occur simultaneously, with priority for the inner city of course, due to denser population and far more active transportation usage.
At the rate we're building suburbs I don't think that can happen. Although it may help incentivize people to live in the inner city more if the City clears the inner-city roads and sidewalks immediately when fresh snowfalls, putting the furthest suburbs at the end of the line for snow removal.
Calgary snow removal planning would be a nightmare, expecting a variable number of storms randomly scattered between Sep and May affecting tens of thousands of km of streets. Planning out East would be far simpler as the snow season is shorter, distribution of major snow events more certain and length of roads shorter.
very colourful skyline
Keep forgetting to mention that the LEDs on this thing are fully dynamic. I've seen them pulsing like flames, softly changing through the spectrum, and other functions. Very nice for a Calgary LED installation.
