Never thought I would see the day that another car parkade would rise in this city. I realize that it contains an innovation centre and perhaps it would not have been approved by the city without the 'paid parking element' to it. Is it just going to amount to another half empty (or more than) parking lot for years to come, like others in the core? I suppose it might come in handy when the event center is open.
I have little doubt it'll be used for various attractions nearby - NMC, Library, Stampede/Event Centre. But it will take some serious street parking enforcement in the area to get it's highest actual usage for parking.
I think the new arena will be built before this parkade is finished. Really curious to see the final facade material that I’m assuming will be attached to all those vertical beams.
I think the new arena will be built before this parkade is finished. Really curious to see the final facade material that I’m assuming will be attached to all those vertical beams.
On the north side of the building the vertical elements (looks like tubes?) are right tight together.

I think this is the cladding?
Yeah I was figuring that.
