I doubt any developer who paid into the previous parking-in-lieu fund would have cared had the City used those funds elsewhere, it is a sunk cost and it’s not as if the developers are realizing any economic benefits from these CPA parkades.
Developers could sue to recover the cash. And why wouldn't they if it was an open and shut case? Easy money.
Also, this project is a bit disappointing. I heard they had trouble procuring the mesh product initially specified for the cladding. It certainly doesn’t look like an $80 million parkade.

Honestly, it looks like something from decades ago that is slated for demolition to make way for something nice.
Also, this project is a bit disappointing. I heard they had trouble procuring the mesh product initially specified for the cladding. It certainly doesn’t look like an $80 million parkade.
I am extremely disappointed in the downgrading from mesh to whatever we ended up with. It’s as if we lowered resolution because our real life simulation couldn’t handle the complexity of processing all the polygons. Now we have lines imitating what could have been...
Are they finally putting something on those vertical elements?:
Ha! Could this get any worse? I’ve gone from being super stoked for this project to downright embarrassed it’s being constructed. Yuck.
I went past a couple days ago, the angled façade section will go all the way around. I'm interested to see if there's also an exterior screen going up later.

I'm also tempted to be less harsh on this project because it's supposed to be impermanent. I'm not upset if they focus most of the budget on making the interior space for Platform really excellent for the users.
Welcome to the forum Kiggupiggu. Thanks for posting. Like that you captured the parking garage with a Ferrari in it.
