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Sep 24, 2015
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Thread for Riley Park Village

Grace hospital site.JPG
In the Global News clip, Drew Farrell talks about the possibility of integrating this site with the SAIT/AUArts/Jubilee/LRT station site up the hill. Seems like there is some potential to build a ramp/staircase connecting two important neighbourhoods currently separated by uncrossable dead space. On the other hand, the SAIT/AUArts/Jubilee cluster is such a disaster. People coming up from Hillhurst would still have to walk around three enormous fortress-like buildings to access the LRT station.

I can't think of another place in the city that has so many high quality amenities designed in such a terrible way. The entire area is nothing but driveways, parking lots, loading docks, chain link fences, etc. Why the hell does the Jubilee auditorium need two(!) massive circular driveways? What the hell is up with the random Robert the Bruce statue erected in front of AUArts' loading dock?
In the Global News clip, Drew Farrell talks about the possibility of integrating this site with the SAIT/AUArts/Jubilee/LRT station site up the hill. Seems like there is some potential to build a ramp/staircase connecting two important neighbourhoods currently separated by uncrossable dead space. On the other hand, the SAIT/AUArts/Jubilee cluster is such a disaster. People coming up from Hillhurst would still have to walk around three enormous fortress-like buildings to access the LRT station.

I can't think of another place in the city that has so many high quality amenities designed in such a terrible way. The entire area is nothing but driveways, parking lots, loading docks, chain link fences, etc. Why the hell does the Jubilee auditorium need two(!) massive circular driveways? What the hell is up with the random Robert the Bruce statue erected in front of AUArts' loading dock?
If a staircase was built up the hill in between the parkade and the mixed use building, it would come out somewhere just west of the Jube and have somewhat decent access to the LRT station, but yeah, overall, not ideal.
In the Global News clip, Drew Farrell talks about the possibility of integrating this site with the SAIT/AUArts/Jubilee/LRT station site up the hill. Seems like there is some potential to build a ramp/staircase connecting two important neighbourhoods currently separated by uncrossable dead space. On the other hand, the SAIT/AUArts/Jubilee cluster is such a disaster. People coming up from Hillhurst would still have to walk around three enormous fortress-like buildings to access the LRT station.

I can't think of another place in the city that has so many high quality amenities designed in such a terrible way. The entire area is nothing but driveways, parking lots, loading docks, chain link fences, etc. Why the hell does the Jubilee auditorium need two(!) massive circular driveways? What the hell is up with the random Robert the Bruce statue erected in front of AUArts' loading dock?
Great points. On a similar note, I have always found it wild how no development faces Riley Park, instead the average interface along the south side looks like this with an alley, dumpsters, powerlines and run-down fence separating people from the public space. Some of the new developments are doing a bit better, but huge opportunity for far better integration.


Add this to the list of examples of how we sometimes seem to ignore parks as a key part of the public realm, instead keeping them segregated and separate from people. Parks like this are meant to travel to, enjoy, then leave - rather than truly integrated into the fabric of city life. I wish it was better connected with all the action around it (SAIT, Kensington, two LRT stations within a few hundred metres, countless redevelopment sites etc.)
If a staircase was built up the hill in between the parkade and the mixed use building, it would come out somewhere just west of the Jube and have somewhat decent access to the LRT station, but yeah, overall, not ideal.

Good opportunity to remove southern circular driveway around the Jubilee and convert it into a public park/square. Maybe relocate the statue. Something like this:

My understanding of the Robert the Bruce statue, is some Calgary Philanthropist paid for a monument in Scotland, but wanted a replica statue here as part of the deal.

Yes it was Harvie. And apparently he thought the best place to put it would be in a location with no sidewalks, no foot traffic, and visible only to delivery truck drivers making stops at AUArts.
Decent scale and design on this one and I like the retail bays on 8th Ave.

Was worried the parkade was going to be more prominent but looks nicely buried in the hill so it’s negligible from 14th st. Will be obscured by the residential component on the east side.
