If this got approved then we should see shovels soon. Going by this CTV article, the developer wants to complete the project by late 2019. Pretty ambitious!
This kind of project is a 2 - 3 year timeline usually. They will have the existing building demolished by the end of summer (unless they find asbestos, then it will take longer), but I doubt they would even be close to being finished excavating by the end of the year lol.
Yea definitely seems too good to be true, unless there was no parkade but even then its unrealistic. I think it may have been a typo and are rather suggesting the project will break ground by late 2019.
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If this got approved then we should see shovels soon. Going by this CTV article, the developer wants to complete the project by late 2019. Pretty ambitious!
Haha ya that is actually impossible. Maybe demo complete and construction start by the end of 2019.
By the way, what sort of nonsense comment is this:

“This community is very urban, but we’ve done that without towers. This tower will throw shadows and will make the street much less welcome to walk on,” she says. “This is a historic community, full of historic buildings and it’s a very modern design.”

So many factual mistakes there. 25th and 26th Avenues have been high rise streets for decades. And there are considerably taller existing buildings there. There's plenty of modern architecture along both streets. This is a mixed heritage district with buildings from many eras and styles, not a strictly historical one.
hopefully this is a thing

