Does this building have a large foundation? The footprint is small due to the CIBC building. It may need several levels of parking to support the office and retail uses. Inglewood has a high water table. I raise the issue more in curiosity around construction timelines as the foundation could take a long time. Plus in this market, office and condo (or is it rental) will be hard sells.
aside from just needing to be contrarian on everything i thought farkas would have been in favour of a project that increases the tax base
aside from just needing to be contrarian on everything i thought farkas would have been in favour of a project that increases the tax base

A completely political move, it furthers the narrative that it is him versus the rest of council and he will defend neighbourhoods from the evil developers. He got his quote/soundbite of "Inglewood is not for sale" in there too. It will play very well for his supporters and folks that don't follow projects like we do.
A completely political move, it furthers the narrative that it is him versus the rest of council and he will defend neighbourhoods from the evil developers. He got his quote/soundbite of "Inglewood is not for sale" in there too. It will play very well for his supporters and folks that don't follow projects like we do.

I find it hard to see Farkas winning many votes from NIMBYs in Inglewood if/when he runs for mayor. The guy is ex-Wildrose ... he may see eye-to-eye with them on this file but I don’t see them lining up with his whole agenda.

On the other hand, I can imagine there are a good number of conservative voters further out in the suburbs who imagine that their 1990s single family street is somehow at risk of being turned into apartments, even if it’s not. Farkas can probably build a narrative for them that he his on their side with positions like this.
