The insanity of this whole thing is comical at this point. There is no way anyone, with even a bit of creativity, can wholeheartedly defend the ridiculous design for the North side. This isn't the Canadian Tire Center where people need to drive to the events no matter what. There are 2 LRT stations flanking the area. If Victoria Park, 20 years from now, had 0 parking, people would still show up to the games and events. They'd just take the LRT, taxi, uber, or whatever new tech we'll have. If CSEC had half a brain and wanted to make extra profits, they could have used the north side for hotel suites with ground-floor retail activation. This is a straight all-around L for Calgarians. Now I understand why CMLC was kicked out, so CSEC could protect their short-sighted self-interests and bone the rest of us all.