Do you support the proposal for the new arena?

  • Yes

    Votes: 99 67.3%
  • No

    Votes: 38 25.9%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 10 6.8%

  • Total voters
Sounds like the old school Calgary oil and gas folks didn't want to pay a bit more for photovoltaic cells to help mitigate climate change along with some additional public realm improvements and accommodation for bike lanes. My guess is their belief this kind of stuff is nothing but progressive BS is what killed the deal more than anything financial.

Wasn't the climate portion connecting to the district energy centre and some solar panels? Super minor stuff to blow a deal on that alone would be ridiculous.

However, if a stakeholder such as the CSEC, wasn't interested in the community, wasn't interested in Victoria Park, wasn't interested in a quality arena, and was only interested in nickel-and-diming as much as possible from the public subsidy - well I think this is exactly how they would act. I am guessing they got scared of shouldering the cost of the arena after the last renegotiation and saw some price tags with all the construction inflation right now they didn't like and decided to blow it up.

Can't say I called it specifically, but pretty close yesterday in the Victoria Park discussion link. When an organization like CSEC never does the right thing, never makes the right moves, never acts in good faith or demonstrates they are really all about getting as much subsidies as possible and building their tiny empire, let's not be surprised when they continue to act that way.
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How very Eugene Melnyk of Edwards! I agree it’s probably inherent opposition to Climate Change from the biggest polluting pig in our province (who had the UCP simply subsidize the cost of CNRL’s pollution). I also think Murray thought he could bully and steamroll our new mayor and was surprised she didn’t simply cave to his demands.

Hopefully they haven’t cut down the old Elm tree yet.
How very Eugene Melnyk of Edwards! I agree it’s probably inherent opposition to Climate Change from the biggest polluting pig in our province (who had the UCP simply subsidize the cost of CNRL’s pollution). I also think Murray thought he could bully and steamroll our new mayor and was surprised she didn’t simply cave to his demands.

Hopefully they haven’t cut down the old Elm tree yet.


The City will capitulate. One of the many issues with declaring #ClimateEmergency is that it signals the City's sensitivity to optics around climate change, so of course CSEC would push back on that. Billionaires don't get to be billionaires without being the best of the best negotiators.
Good grief. We’re already covering half of a private facility with zero public benefit for a billionaire. Pound sand. I have Center Ice. I can go back to cheering for the Wings.
No we weren’t. Flames were taking on the cost overruns for a greater share. I am sure what killed this is the city arbitrarily pushing new costs on to the flames. Not a great partnership. Flames have every right to walk away and should walk away. This council is terrible.
No we weren’t. Flames were taking on the cost overruns for a greater share. I am sure what killed this is the city arbitrarily pushing new costs on to the flames. Not a great partnership. Flames have every right to walk away and should walk away. This council is terrible.
The Flames get all the benefits of the arena, they should take on cost overruns!
For those that were never in favour of hundreds of millions of tax payer money going into this project, I suppose there is some measure of satisfaction if this deal is off permanently.
However IF it is dead and the Flames do decide to leave town, then we have a big gaping hole in the development of the Rivers District. The Event Centre is just that ... the center piece for all development around it. I don't see a facility getting built just to hold concerts and the like. I also don't see other developers getting excited about building residential without the lure of the entertainment district. If they were that confident, then we would have had more building going on already. If this agreement is blown up then we are probably going to see many more years of barren and empty lots in east Victoria Park until someone comes along with a grander plan.
