Looks pretty good, almost more like an office building. Not of Lido caliber, but solid, and the street frontage looks decent. Definitely a massive improvement over what's there now.
I'll add it's the type of building that counteracts a terribly, road-oriented road, let me explain through an arbitrary scoring system. 14 Street NW is about 95% road, 5% destinations along it - one of the worst for any road except ones that are 100% road (Deerfoot, Crowchild etc.) Developments of this scale and caliber would knock it down to 60% road v. 40% destinations along this stretch. A smaller scale development wouldn't have had as positive of an impact. I hope it happens!
Not really a fan, too many things going on and it looks like it's trying too hard. Still 1000x better than what's there now!
Decent. Would look better without the red panel on the end. The grey above it connects across the east side. The red does not, it breaks therefore it does not follow the same protocol and should be better resolved. At this point though, I'll take anything without random rectangles.
I think that side will most likely be hidden if the lot beside it has a future developer smart enough to build wall to wall (lot to lot).
Hey members! I'm the sales associate for the upcoming major launch of SOLA (www.solacalgary.com), Canada’s most tech innovative new luxury condo tower, being built right here in the trendy Kensington area of NW Calgary.

Here's our Twitter handles for real time updates!
@Kiroluxe https://twitter.com/KiroLuxe
@solacalgary https://twitter.com/SolaCalgary

Also! if you have any questions or know anyone who's shown some serious interest. I can personally help them out. My direct Email kiro@solacalgary.com

P.S. News coming up early October!
I can't wait for SOLA's launch coming soon ...love all the cool new tech features! Is there really a pet spa & penthouse lounge with rooftop fitness centre? What is SOLA's website for more info? This area really needs a major new facelift & think this project will be such a great new addition to bring more life to 14th street nw!
I can't wait for SOLA's launch coming soon ...love all the cool new tech features! Is there really a pet spa & penthouse lounge with rooftop fitness centre? What is SOLA's website for more info? This area really needs a major new facelift & think this project will be such a great new addition to bring more life to 14th street nw!
Nice sales pitch...could try to be a little more discreet/humble.
I can't wait for SOLA's launch coming soon ...love all the cool new tech features! Is there really a pet spa & penthouse lounge with rooftop fitness centre? What is SOLA's website for more info? This area really needs a major new facelift & think this project will be such a great new addition to bring more life to 14th street nw!
I’m pretty certain you already know the answers to the questions you’re asking. It’s okay if you’re the sales guy and you want to pump Sola, I get it. My advice, just say “hey I’m a sales guy for Sola, here’s some info about our project”
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