Does anyone know what's happening with this one? They cleared the site and out of fencing, but nothing has happened since.
apols if this is a false alarm but either i havent been paying attention or this is new.

I live less than a block from here and I noticed that too. I wasn't sure if it's new or not, but I'm pretty sure it is. If so, that would suck. This project needs to be flushed down the toilet.
I live less than a block from here and I noticed that too. I wasn't sure if it's new or not, but I'm pretty sure it is. If so, that would suck. This project needs to be flushed down the toilet.
It's not a great design, but it checks the boxes. Right scale ✔ Retail at grade ✔ residential on top ✔ benches and planters in front ✔
Bold... they called this thing bold? I wan't to slap whoever wrote that article title. Well I guess a plus is I'll be able to get updates every morning and afternoon going to/coming home from class.

*sigh* At least it's a hole getting filled *pun majorly intended*
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Bold....? uh, nope. I am glad to see it getting built though. It's the last remaining unused lot along 4th, now we have to hope some of the parking lots disappear.
seriously, when is the overworked permit office going to say no more theodores on my watch. is the city so desperate that they will approve anything, even in mission, inglewood etc... kenny telling us these guys make 30% more than their counterparts in toronto and vancouver. do your effin job please.
seriously, when is the overworked permit office going to say no more theodores on my watch. is the city so desperate that they will approve anything, even in mission, inglewood etc... kenny telling us these guys make 30% more than their counterparts in toronto and vancouver. do your effin job please.
On what grounds do you believe the City has to deny or delay this project? I think people perceive that planning staff have more control over design (i.e. materials, etc) than what is the reality.
This might be one of those cases where the rendering is partly at fault. I wouldn't be surprised if the gray stone was really more of a modern brick. well, let's hope so. I thought that might be the case with Oscar, but it ended up being just like the rendering. I'm fine with the portion above the podium.
I don't hate it, I actually like the white with the yellow. I don't like the fake looking stone or whatever it is at the main level.
