Active Member
This time for sure guys!
Given that Dominion got 15 storeys approved, and the site to the east of this one got a big height bump (and parking reduction), is there going to be a change from the current 6 storey design to something taller?Sturgess is back involved with this again. It looks like he is putting a construction budget together (again!) and probably pitching it to developers to see if he can get any bites. It will be a rental. No surprise there.
If that's the case, you just made my day...my weekend actually ?Not sure if it's construction related or just site maintenance, but there were crews on-site sandblasting last weekend. They were there for two days, so maybe prepping the site for life beyond a perpetual eye-sore?
It'd be nice if this got moving again.
I wonder what Scott's involvement is? With it going bankrupt, woukld Scott be one of the receivers, and now they are involved in re-doing the project?Since Scott Construction sent out budget requests a few months ago, it has been pretty quiet.