General rating of the project

  • Great

    Votes: 11 28.9%
  • Very Good

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • Good

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • So So

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not Very Good

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Nice - I like how the midrise districts are gaining momentum in Calgary. The rise of our mini-hubs (Kensington, Inglewood, Bridgeland, Marda Loop, Mission, EV, 17th Ave) outside of the core is making Calgary starting to feel like a big city. During summer weekends there's already many events going on in different districts, creating more options. Bridgeland/Marda-Loop/Inglewood are undergoing a big transition, close to reaching a critical mass of activity. Would be great to see more public real improvements and intensification to make all of our districts busier year round. Prob never going to busy during the dead of the winter, but at least aim for the majority of the year. I've always thought that midrise districts are best for vibrancy, and this is starting increasingly starting to play out in Calgary.

Looks like another new development for Bridgeland starting soon.

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Sturgess is back involved with this again. It looks like he is putting a construction budget together (again!) and probably pitching it to developers to see if he can get any bites. It will be a rental. No surprise there.
Given that Dominion got 15 storeys approved, and the site to the east of this one got a big height bump (and parking reduction), is there going to be a change from the current 6 storey design to something taller?
Wow, imagine if we get Dominion, Steps, 950 McPherson Square, and the RNDSQR Village Ice Cream Building all surrounding Murdoch Park! It's already a visually stunning space with the surrounding density and the skyline backdrop, but these four projects would elevate it to the next level! Especially since three of the 4 have commercial space facing the park too.
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Every spring during soccer season, I think to myself that if someone operated up an ice cream stand nearby they'd make a killing. With the amount of kids in this neighborhood, that location will do really well.
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I really hope something comes through for Steps. It would be such a great addition to Bridgeland, and it would get rid of a construction eyesore at the same time.
Not sure if it's construction related or just site maintenance, but there were crews on-site sandblasting last weekend. They were there for two days, so maybe prepping the site for life beyond a perpetual eye-sore?

It'd be nice if this got moving again.
If that's the case, you just made my weekend actually ?
It would be great to see it back under construction again. hopefully it's not value engineered too much, but it this point it'll be nice just to have something built.
Maybe there's stuff slowly going on in the background. Hopefully costs have come down a bit with this downturn, and it might be enough for them to start up again.
Since Scott Construction sent out budget requests a few months ago, it has been pretty quiet.
I wonder what Scott's involvement is? With it going bankrupt, woukld Scott be one of the receivers, and now they are involved in re-doing the project?
It could be a way of recouping some of their losses by completing the project with the new owner. I am still not clear who that owner might be.

I think what happened is that there was some interest in buying the project 'as is'. Scott was giving these interested buyers an idea of what it was going to cost to finish the project.
