General rating of the project

  • Great

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • Good

    Votes: 24 58.5%
  • So so

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • Not Very Good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Are they building both towers at once?

This is one of my favourite projects as it fills in one of the final gaps along the river and I love the outdoor pond/skating rink. Calgary needs way more complexes with water features and fountains. I'm actually jealous of the giant fountains in front of the legislature and city hall in Edmonton.
Right now I believe only the west tower is UC, but they could have reached the sales target on the east one by now, but they'll have to demo the sales centre and excavate a new hole for that one.
That's the sales centre. They have a mockup of the auto magic parking technology they'll be using in the condo. It's pretty cool. I think it will be Calgary's first automatic parkade.
Is it an automatic parkade? I got the impression there are portions of the parkade with extra high ceilings, and you basically can have your own personal "garage" down in the parkade structure, similar in size to what is attached to the showroom. They put a lift in like that to show the ceiling height will be enough to double stack your car collection, with the potential to fit up to 8 cars I think in it. I could be remembering wrong, but I am pretty sure that was the case, as this really struck me as awesome, being a car guy.

And yep, confirmed on the video. See the 2:56 mark for more detail:
Hi Group,

Build Both? Sounds Nice but Yet I Come Away With the Feelings Its One Now and the 2nd Tower in Say Late Fall to a Year Later on the Hope that Things Will Have Picked Up to Warrent the 2nd Tower. Guess It Also Depends on How Fast the 1st Tower Sells Out. Guess Time Will Tell.


Is it an automatic parkade? I got the impression there are portions of the parkade with extra high ceilings, and you basically can have your own personal "garage" down in the parkade structure, similar in size to what is attached to the showroom. They put a lift in like that to show the ceiling height will be enough to double stack your car collection, with the potential to fit up to 8 cars I think in it. I could be remembering wrong, but I am pretty sure that was the case, as this really struck me as awesome, being a car guy.

And yep, confirmed on the video. See the 2:56 mark for more detail:

Very cool. I'm not even a car guy myself, but that makes me want to become one!
From today



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Hi Group,
There was a Piece of Land in the Areas for a few Yrs Stating that the Dvlpr had sold the land and that a Project was NOT going a head as planned etc. I believe it was in this areas as Such. Is this the same Areas or is It a Different Piece of Land. Its Been a While since I Worked the Core Areas so I hope someone knows the Land/Block I am inquiring about. Just Wondering if Both are the Same.

The vacant land directly across the street from The Concord is owned by LaCaille Group. It was the former site of a city-owned apartment building. I believe this site is further down LaCaille's list for development.
The much larger project which has been shelved until further notice is the two blocks bordered by 2nd Ave; Eau Claire Ave, 4 St & 6 St. It is called Eau Claire West and the plan is for 5 residential buildings and one hotel.
Hi Group,
I am Aware of the Land Swap the City did a few Yrs Back. Bronco Dave was the Mayor at the Time. I Know as I was the One Who at Times USED to RUSH the Documents between the Mayors Office and Lacaille's Office. Sorry I Don't Know all the details but Knew Something was in the Wings. Part of the Deal was the City built a Fire Shop at
4th Ave/8th St. S. W. and Low Income Apts on Top etc. Lacaille got a Piece of Land over on 1st Ave. I Believe it was OWNED by Calhome Properties. Not sure IF Its Still
Standing or has now been Torn Down. No Bad Feelings but I can't give out the Information of What I Know. :)
It was Interesting to Say the Least..

