So, IMG Design Build is the new G.C. As far as I can tell, they have not done any residential projects to speak of. I wonder how long they will last given how ASI churns through G.C.'s
Looking into these guys, it appears to be a design-build company based out of a house in Millrise, though they list the quadrant as SE instead of SW. This seems exceptionally odd to me.
Looks like they've been digging next to the alley..
The site is on the flood fringe. With the shape of the fringe I’d guess—and truly a guess only!—that the site is where a drained creek was. Which could be a sign of ground water in a similar pattern. The SE corner of Central Memorial Park is similarly on the edge of the fringe, and the condo there had huge ground water issues which caused a bit of subsidence during excavation causing or exposing a sewer problem for the neighbour.
