Looks like they're re-pouring a part of the north wall that they jackhammered out last week:
Moments ago.

This seems to be a very poorly managed site.

Yeah. I have fairly high hopes for this one. While the Windsor took forever, it turned out quite nice. I expect this one will look good.
Agreed, I think ASI has the right idea and has a real vision for what they want to achieve on 17th Ave. I think the more developments they complete, the more lessons learned the better they will get at executing successful developments (that look good and function well). Looking at the Scotia Block and Sentinel Block at 17 Ave & 14 St, I do hope they can be a catalyst to improve the pedestrian realm and traffic calm that intersection by the time they get around to developing it. The interaction with the public realm at National Block reno and in the renderings for The Fifth look solid, so fingers crossed.
Wow, Calgary has quite the repertoire of nicely designed low-to-midrise buildings in the works. I like it, and hope that more of that magic can spread north to Edmonton!
