Seems like a great addition so far, about as perfect of massing we have seen on any of our main streets. The key will be seeing how the main floor comes together, particular with the mega-sized public realm/patio space where the channelized right turn lane used to be. So far so good.
Seems like a great addition so far, about as perfect of massing we have seen on any of our main streets. The key will be seeing how the main floor comes together, particular with the mega-sized public realm/patio space where the channelized right turn lane used to be. So far so good.
My thoughts exactly.
Seems like a great addition so far, about as perfect of massing we have seen on any of our main streets. The key will be seeing how the main floor comes together, particular with the mega-sized public realm/patio space where the channelized right turn lane used to be. So far so good.
The massing reminds me more of a European scale and layout. Would like to see more of this in Calgary.
Fits right in..
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When are they finally going to finish redoing all the sidewalks on 17th? I knew they were taking a year off of ponstruction. I hope they resume this year and finally finish this underwhelming renovation once and for all.
Deferred until next year. Yippie!

They should have accelerated the project and finished it last spring when businesses were closed. This this draws out the pain to businesses and leaves us residents with a bumpy, horrendous looking sidewalk for another year.
Deferred until next year. Yippie!

They should have accelerated the project and finished it last spring when businesses were closed. This this draws out the pain to businesses and leaves us residents with a bumpy, horrendous looking sidewalk for another year.
Yikes. The 17th Avenue road/utility/sidewalk project will be like 2016(?) to 2022 construction all in? 6 years is a longer construction phase than the West LRT. Assuming sidewalks aren't delayed again next year.
