Another one from a different angle


  • 28847-112738.jpg
    226.1 KB · Views: 942
I like the scale, has a bit of a west coast US vibe to it. Would like to see more 3-8 story mixed-used down all of our main streets.

Only thing that concerns me is the on-site trailer signalling this won't be starting construction anytime soon. Unless the trailer is adjacent to construction?
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The city has a minimum setback for sidewalks on 17th, this would be required to meet that. If anyone has some time to kill, the info should be in the land-use by-law on the city's website.
There was a article in the news about Arlington having a vision for 17th ave to become a "high street" something like St. Catherine street in Montreal, so I'm quite satisfied with their vision but seeing how its going to be executed piece by piece is the crucial part. I personally like the little public art that is included in the renderings plus i really hope the next building to be demolished is the one on the left in that rendering (the slanted/angled looking one), like what a ugly building.
I actually really like that one :p I think it's kinda funky and different. I'll bet the places inside are incredible.
That new render is a significant improvement. I like how it makes use of 5th street, but it looks a little tight on 17th. I'm also a little surprised that the city would butcher that left hand turn so badly, but I can't say I'd be against all the added patio space.

The public art looks a little phoned it. What's it supposed to be representative of? I like public art, but man if all we get is weak pop-art and boiler plate abstraction we might as well not do it at all. It's all in the eye of the behold, but this proposal is unremarkable.
I hope ASI agrees with you, they have the leverage over 17th now as I think they have 7 or 8 developments in the works for those 40+ sites they amassed.
