General rating of the project

  • Great

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Good

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • So So

    Votes: 18 36.7%
  • Not Very Good

    Votes: 9 18.4%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 4 8.2%

  • Total voters
Wow, just when you thought it couldn't get any uglier, they throw that joke of hat on top with that dull colour choice. So whens the reclad happening?

I hate this tower even more every time I see it. Cidex should be banned from developing in Calgary and should be forced to focus on Edmonton. :p
?I agree but I think we should also be a bit grateful that they chose to invest in Calgary during rough times like this. Employed plenty of people. Maybe one day if and when we get off this "boom and bust" economy, we'll be looking back at it as a landmark to a what "bust" can give you.
I hate this tower even more every time I see it. Cidex should be banned from developing in Calgary and should be forced to focus on Edmonton. :p
I gotta say... I don't understand the hate on this building whatsoever. How can you fault the developer for being cost efficient on exterior finishes? They are adding ~350 people to the community of EV in a downturn economy. EV needs more people in order to economically justify increased retail.

More doors = more retail = more vibrancy = more justification for private investment and participation in the community --> cycle continues to build on itself the next 5-10 years while Calgary's economic situation improves.

I don't think the residents of EV, or Calgary of a whole, should be concerned with the % of spandrel or the color of roof cladding if it means pulling off a viable project in difficult times which will result in a much, much stronger community. Besides, they can just look at the other, more aesthetically pleasing towers (which, I will add, are somewhat vacant given their price point...)

My 2 pennys
Great points. I wouldn’t want to see all the buildings in the East Village look like this, but not every building needs to be an architectural masterpiece.
I gotta say... I don't understand the hate on this building whatsoever. How can you fault the developer for being cost efficient on exterior finishes? They are adding ~350 people to the community of EV in a downturn economy. EV needs more people in order to economically justify increased retail.

More doors = more retail = more vibrancy = more justification for private investment and participation in the community --> cycle continues to build on itself the next 5-10 years while Calgary's economic situation improves.

I don't think the residents of EV, or Calgary of a whole, should be concerned with the % of spandrel or the color of roof cladding if it means pulling off a viable project in difficult times which will result in a much, much stronger community. Besides, they can just look at the other, more aesthetically pleasing towers (which, I will add, are somewhat vacant given their price point...)

My 2 pennys
Absolutely none of the highrises in the East Village are masterpieces, and I don't believe that's what anyone is asking for. I'm pretty sure what we're asking for is simply aesthetically decent architecture. Having a 90-meter white spandrel megalith as the eastern bookend of our skyline isn't exactly something I find to be acceptable, especially when it's supposed to be in our new "hippest neighbourhood".
Absolutely none of the highrises in the East Village are masterpieces, and I don't believe that's what anyone is asking for. I'm pretty sure what we're asking for is simply aesthetically decent architecture. Having a 90-meter white spandrel megalith as the eastern bookend of our skyline isn't exactly something I find to be acceptable, especially when it's supposed to be in our new "hippest neighbourhood".

Totally agee. Verve was also a disappointment.

Hell, N3 turned out better than those two turds.
I agree with the street level of Verve, but the tower portion turned out pretty good.
This tower and all the other towers wouldn't be built if the economy was that bad and there's no grounds that something nicer would have been built if the economy was booming. More people may lead to increased street vibrancy. In my opinion, it's a dreary way to look at development. Quality and design is impressionable and it doesn't always come at a higher price tag. People will look up if there is reason to look up.

The spandrel has symmetry and is white. It's a clean looking tower if there is any good to come from it. My worry has always been with the podium. It's a dated design and the colours aren't appetizing.
