Cidex needs to go bankrupt. Christ almighty that's gross.
This should be mission critical to force a change the at-grade relationship of this podium along the water. At a bare minimum, it should active the riverfront and use much better materials and design at grade. This is a unique site that deserves a better use of the waterfront.
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Looks like the river side won't have any sort of connection to the river, so I think the best hope for the rest of the city is tall trees that block it from view.
Where can I send a letter to the city in scathing opposition to this development?
The DP drawings can be found here:

As it is going to CPC, it is too late to submit comments to the file manager I think.

From the drawings, there will be a couple restaurant that fronts onto the Elbow River by the looks of things. One on the Macleod Trail side, and one on the 1st Street SE side:

Here is what they say about materials on the towers:

And the landscaping plan, showing the new pathway connection between the couplet on the north side of the river:

Many other details can be found within the drawings.
I don't so much mind the towers, but the podium desperately requires a complete redesign.
I love the height, I think it'll look great coming down memorial from the East but I didn't know it was by cidex :oops:. And a Parking podium? Yea, now Im worried too. ? Building design is already looking terrible, something like this should be built in Westbrook.
With those plans it seems a bit better, but knowing Cidex anything nice will be VE'd out and it will probably end up as stucco facing the river lol.
The two colours of glazing looks messy. The site plan does as well. The retail/restaurant spaces are a halfhearted gesture with only one space on either side and the rest of the street frontages occupied by loading and storage spaces.
The two colours of glazing looks messy. The site plan does as well. The retail/restaurant spaces are a halfhearted gesture with only one space on either side and the rest of the street frontages occupied by loading and storage spaces.
There appears to be a lot of spandrel on this one as well. I think the glazing on West Village will give us an idea what this will look like as they want these 2 to be their signature towers.
The difference between this site and the site in Eau Claire is that this site is on the north side of the river and Waterfront in Eau Clair is on the south side of the river - hugely different implications for the potential quality impact on the riverside experience.
