So a few more tidbits from CPC today (passed unanimously FYI). The blank wall on the north side is due to the fact that it has to be blank to accommodate the adjacent parcel. However, Cidex is in negotiations to aquire that adjacent parcel, and there are knock-out walls in the podium, so it would connect in if they do move forward on acquiring the land. This would allow for a 4th tower.

Also, the parking amounts are based upon observed demand at their existing buildings, as well as other apartments in Calgary. Things change though, and the podium parking levels have been designed to allow for future conversion into residential in some cases if/when the demand for parking decreases.

There was a small model of the project at CPC as well:
Well good news for some, only one tower is going ahead in phase 1, 55 storeys tall. "The first phase is expected to create 465 one-bedroom and two-bedroom rental units." Plus 22 affordable housing units through density bonusing. The first tower will begin as soon as permits are ready (approx. 2020). All the phases will span over a decade.
Yeah the phasing plan was in one of the documents linked on page 13. Phase one is the tallest of the three towers. So I mean, at least that's kind of cool, we'll be getting another 178 meter tower (just 1 meter taller than EAP West, Canterra, TransCanada towers) a looooot sooner than I think any of us could have predicted.
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Thanks for pointing to the phasing plan. I hadn’t caught that before. Looks like they’re not building the whole podium at once with the first tower. Just the east 1/3. There’s still hope that a decade changes things for the west 2/3. The east is the most tolerable part with the triangular section.

Yeah the phasing plan was in one of the documents linked on page 13. Phase one is the tallest of the three towers. So I mean, at least that's kind of cool, we'll be getting another 178 meter tower (just 1 meter taller than EAP West, Canterra, TransCanada towers) a looooot sooner than I think any of us could have predicted.
Yeah the phasing plan was in one of the documents linked on page 13. Phase one is the tallest of the three towers. So I mean, at least that's kind of cool, we'll be getting another 178 meter tower (just 1 meter taller than EAP West, Canterra, TransCanada towers) a looooot sooner than I think any of us could have predicted.
You know, this is kind of an exciting and very unexpected way of us getting a building of over 150m in height in Calgary, especially considering the fact that I can imagine many people didn't expect anything other than West Village Towers in that height bracket for a while.
I agree, and I'm happy the city is forcing the developer to make podium revisions. The towers are simple yet fairly nice and shouldn't require much use of spandrel (hopefully, but you know... Cidex). Building the 178-meter first will be a big density boost to the core, bringing likely around 700 people to just the one building alone.
It’s 50% spandrel.

I agree, and I'm happy the city is forcing the developer to make podium revisions. The towers are simple yet fairly nice and shouldn't require much use of spandrel (hopefully, but you know... Cidex). Building the 178-meter first will be a big density boost to the core, bringing likely around 700 people to just the one building alone.
Ooof. Yikes. Thanks Cidex. RIP ☠:eek:
