General Rating for this project

  • Great

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Very Good

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Good

    Votes: 28 44.4%
  • So So

    Votes: 7 11.1%
  • Not Very Good

    Votes: 10 15.9%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 12 19.0%

  • Total voters
I don't think they'd sheath, membrane and insulate if they were still punching windows through. Maybe they'll use a dark spandrel to appear so.


Just when you think it can't get worse..
I'd think worst would be an awkward end to the line of windows above and more of the white cladding. Second worst in my mind. The windows look slightly tinted anyways, so with a bit of dark reflective spandrel I'd doubt a single person cruising 16th Ave would ever notice.

Just when you think it can't get worse..
This is going to be the Tour Montparnasse of NW Calgary. It's going to turn everyone against high rises for several generations to come.


Looking more closely the corners have different widths at different floors. I'm very curious to see if the cladding fixes that issue.
This is quite offensive in its current state without cladding on it. Once all the cladding goes up, I don't think it'll be quite as bad. This thing has a lot of faults, but it will eventually just be a piece of the North Hill skyline once more taller stuff is built along 16 Ave N and at Motel Village.

As is, the massing on the hill looks fine to me from some angles, like crossing the river north on Crowchild or 14 ST. I don't find it all too bad while driving around the major roads nearby. I actually think it'll look fine from 24 Ave, with the neighbourhood in the foreground. The worst though is taking the ramp from SB Crowchild to EB 16 Ave; looping around to come up from beneath it right at direct corner view lol.

I think it'll continue to look decent from afar, and hopefully the finishes are clean once all said and done and we can just say its a tragic example of the "off centred/random rectangle" architecture fad of the past decade(s) (please let it be over).
This is quite offensive in its current state without cladding on it. Once all the cladding goes up, I don't think it'll be quite as bad. This thing has a lot of faults, but it will eventually just be a piece of the North Hill skyline once more taller stuff is built along 16 Ave N and at Motel Village.

As is, the massing on the hill looks fine to me from some angles, like crossing the river north on Crowchild or 14 ST. I don't find it all too bad while driving around the major roads nearby. I actually think it'll look fine from 24 Ave, with the neighbourhood in the foreground. The worst though is taking the ramp from SB Crowchild to EB 16 Ave; looping around to come up from beneath it right at direct corner view lol.

I think it'll continue to look decent from afar, and hopefully the finishes are clean once all said and done and we can just say its a tragic example of the "off centred/random rectangle" architecture fad of the past decade(s) (please let it be over).
I agree. If anything, it's a largely forgettable box that will one day be joined by other forgettable boxes and a perhaps the occasional good one. It's only remarkable feat is it's the first in an area that hasn't seen much of that scale yet, let alone a coherent area plan that may have influenced more successful ground-oriented design influences. Suburban Toronto and Montreal have hundreds of towers in their suburbs of similar un-noteworthiness. Part of the transition to Canadian big-city life.
