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No problem....I like to get in a bike ride every weekend when the weather is nice in the fall. I choose my route by looking on this site and finding projects that haven't been updated in over two weeks. This last weekend was over a two hour ride. Had to get that Marda Loop stuff in.
No problem....I like to get in a bike ride every weekend when the weather is nice in the fall. I choose my route by looking on this site and finding projects that haven't been updated in over two weeks. This last weekend was over a two hour ride. Had to get that Marda Loop stuff in.
Appreciate the two hour bike ride effort! :cool: Nice to get a barrage of updates, especially ones we haven't seen for awhile.
Will wait for the final product before judging. At first glance appears kind of cool and different, but not sure how I feel about it. Seems awkward.
