02-2018-04-18 046.jpg
A few notes - 1) Strategic doesn't have any projects in Toronto. 2) ONE Properties developed Versus. I believe this is Strategic's first new construction high rise. Based on the crap that Strategic developed with Torode, I'm not holding my breath on this one.
I think people have been hard on Strategic. Yeah, the one one 16th is nothing to write home about, but honestly, it's about as good as one could expect for that location. It's cheap rental stock, and they have filled all the retail at grade. It's a major improvement from what was there before. Strategic rescued the 2020 block in Mission and now it's doing well, with once again all the retail bays occupied. They rescued this tower, and are re-doing the Barron building. I feel they don't get much credit where it's due.
I agree, Chinook! They have done good things for our city for sure. Certainly more good than bad, as well as the fact that they are at the vanguard of the conversion of our glut of office space into residential with two projects already underway (Barron as you mentioned, and Cube) with another on the way at 7th Street Station likely within the next year.
Would we be looking at a height increase in that case? I'd imagine about 130 meters.
