But would it even need a new DP because one was approved when it initially started construction? Meaning if it already has a Building permit it's good to go
Permits can be approved by the planning commission and council, but not released until all conditions are met. I believe that's what @kora was getting at. Often it's just a few details that need to be wrapped up and there is some back and forth between the city and the developer.
Just to further clarify, Council does NOT approve permits, they approve land use. Council does not decide on the detailed designs of the buildings, that is left to Administration / CPC.

When a DP is approved, it is given the status of "Pending Release", which means the design has been approved, but there are conditions that need to be met that won't change the design. For instance, cost obligations for off-site utility work, or sometimes minor changes to some features of the building (but nothing that will substantially change the building design). A developer needs to satisfy all of these conditions to get the permit "released", which will then allow construction. As Mountain Man stated, it is pretty rare to get a BP approved without a released DP.
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Just to further clarify, Council does NOT approve permits, they approve land use. Council does not decide on the detailed designs of the buildings, that is left to Administration / CPC.

When a DP is approved, it is given the status of "Pending Release", which means the design has been approved, but there are conditions that need to be met that won't change the design. For instance, cost obligations for off-site utility work, or sometimes minor changes to some features of the building (but nothing that will substantially change the building design). A developer needs to satisfy all of these conditions to get the permit "released", which will then allow construction. As Mountain Man stated, it is pretty rare to get a BP approved without a released DP.
Sorry that's what I meant. Not city council but planning commission. Administration recommends approval of permits to planning commission right? Planning commission then approves them at the meetings?
Question from a construction amateur here if this site is eventually redeveloped: as this site has been sitting idle for so long and exposed to the weather, how much of the original concrete work is still usable? I know it isn't uncommon to cap projects at grade and revisit years later, but this one has been there for much longer collecting rainwater and has some exposed rebar from the below grade portions. Is this an issue or is it pretty manageable?

Imagine Curtis Block and this One Tower going in? North South it might not affect the view much but East West these would be game changers. And then on top of that if that development with the three towers South by the casino,...*drool*


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I find it encouraging that the first phase of Curtis Block is along Macleod, whereas all other projects in the area over the years have turned their backs to it in favour of 1 Street SE. I would love to see Keynote IV and Stampede Station II turned into mixed-use towers and possibly go ahead as part of the entertainment district, perhaps with a cinema in the bottom? *droool* :D
Has there ever been any plans to develop the lot East of Sasso/Vetro? It would be sweet to finally see Stampede Station 2, Keynote 4, One Tower, Curtis Block, and the Sasso/vetro lot developed to complete that entire strip. A mini Victoria park Urban Canyon!
I find it encouraging that the first phase of Curtis Block is along Macleod, whereas all other projects in the area over the years have turned their backs to it in favour of 1 Street SE. I would love to see Keynote IV and Stampede Station II turned into mixed-use towers and possibly go ahead as part of the entertainment district, perhaps with a cinema in the bottom? *droool* :D
Artis REIT bought the site of Stampede Station 2 in 2014, and I think they got it rezoned last year to allow a 30 storey residential tower, with retail at grade:
I have not heard any hint of anything on the eastside of Sasso/Vetro. I read that the Stampede 2 lot is now owned by Artis who are going to develop a 300 unit residential building there. Keynote 4 owned by Balboa was supposed to be office. That is not going to happen any time soon.
So any news on this one? I want it to go ahead quick because theres this one odd ugly apartment high-rise behind the Calgary tower (called First on Tenth) and it is the only thing ruining the otherwise perfect view looking out from memorial(east) towards west. Once this tower is built it'll help cover that building and also help transition the gap between the Calgary tower and the belt line.
