The land use for these go to CPC this week.
Report, Background, ARP Amendments, DC Bylaw, Applicant Submission, CA Letter
I think need a refresher on what this means :) (from the planning commission's report) It doesn't say they are recommending approval, but not recommending refusal either.

That Calgary Planning Commission recommend that Council:
1. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw for the amendments to the Hillhurst/Sunnyside Area Redevelopment Plan (Attachment 2); and
2. Give three readings to the proposed bylaw for the redesignation of 0.11 hectares ± (0.27 acres ±) located at 528 and 628 – 10 Street NW (Plan 2448O, Block 4, Lots 7, 8, 13 and 14) from Multi-Residential – Contextual Medium Profile (M-C2) District to Direct Control (DC) District to accommodate mixed use development, with guidelines (Attachment 3)
